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Opinions on the new GCW Update.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:15 pm
by Xoseh
I'm just curious as to what you guys think of the new update.

Honestly, I think it's a step in the right direction, but I experienced my first construction/invasion today and well, it sucked majorly.

It took a while to construct things, which is understandable. However, the whole time Imperials we're constructing things to help fend off the rebels, the rebels were gathering in front of the Imperial Defenseive General and just killed him when he became attackable.

IMO, All Opposing factions invading a city should not be allowed into the city during the Construction phase. It basically defeats the purpose. The Dev's should have made it so that the Opposing forces invading a zone need to complete certain objectives before the Defensive General becomes attackable, it would provide a more exciting event.


PS - Again, not trying to start any controversey or arguements, I'm just curious what you all think about it. Like I said, if players do this the right way, then sure, it can be fun.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:40 am
by TK-921
My 2 cents:

Pros - PvP outside of Restuss.
New stuff to buy from recruiters.
That's it!

Cons - LAG! LAG LAG!
Carebears able to destroy things without much penalty since the limited number of NPCs defending are too busy killing invading NPCs
No real series of checkpoints required before General can be killed.
Defending NPC vs. Invading NPC numbers not proportional or fair.
Invading NPC numbers so ridiculously massive it causes huge lag.
Medic gripe: Impossible to outheal both the massive number of invading NPCs and PvPers.
Very poorly thought out and executed plan overall. Every detail of the update seems half baked and rushed with no real testing completed.
No detectable bonus in GCW or tokens for being SF during the battle phase. Really no incentive to be SF except to defend the general.
Crafting construction kits take too long, especially when the lag doesn't help matters.
No defined help on profession specific quests. I know what my medic and trader are supposed to do, but I get a vague hint from the imperial NPC about what smuggler's supposed to do.
Repairing defenses take too long and don't repair enough. 5 traders repairing one barricade still lose it to 3 combat toons attacking it.
Whole planet suffers lag during a battle.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:50 am
by Apauck
Well, what can I say. Typical SOE.

Pros: Way to gain GCW w/o going PvP, Nice rewards, Gives traders and Ents away to help.

Cons: Not well Thoguht out, No ability to keep the invaders from ganking the defenders durring defense set up, Generals too easily camped, Area capture is pointless except as a stick to generals, Too few invasion cities, invasions basicly destroy the server, new patch keeps you from placing patrol points, Medics earn 1 token per revive and the wounded are near impossible to find, and the ships in the sky SUCK.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:13 am
by Xoseh
Yeah I figured, I was just hoping I wasn't the only one that saw all the problems right away. We gotta get some smart people to test these new updates instead of the people who just want to get it done and not actually enjoy it.

Wonder why it goes out of style so fast... people rush through it in a day.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:16 am
by Ramd
My thoughts:

While it is mildly entertaining, the update has one major flaw:

There's no real reason or incentive to participate, except for the rewards. Like Restuss, the invasions will be interesting for a few months, but then people will gradually lose interest. Rewards are not the correct way to motivate players to participate in the GCW or PvP. Consequences to planetary control need to be established, such as high tariffs, space blockades, increased patrols, or other things. In short, if the Empire loses Naboo, it needs to hurt Imperial players, and vice versa.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:51 am
by TK-921
Ramd wrote:My thoughts:

While it is mildly entertaining, the update has one major flaw:

There's no real reason or incentive to participate, except for the rewards. Like Restuss, the invasions will be interesting for a few months, but then people will gradually lose interest. Rewards are not the correct way to motivate players to participate in the GCW or PvP. Consequences to planetary control need to be established, such as high tariffs, space blockades, increased patrols, or other things. In short, if the Empire loses Naboo, it needs to hurt Imperial players, and vice versa.

It sort of does. If the imps control a planet or certain sector of a planet, there's more of an Imperial NPC presence in that area as well as Rebel officers having to pay extra to use the shuttle ports.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:42 pm
by Apauck
Ramd is right about the rewards. It is basicly an Empire Day or Life Day just it is permenant. Yeah they might give new rewards but when everyone has a couple dozen of each then it will die off untill the next batch of rewards.

Maybe if they did something like a campaign. Each side controls X number of planets and they do multiple invasions to secure a planet. Then a win is declared when one side has all or most planets, the victor is declared and a reward is given. Add space in there and you are golden.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:39 pm
by Xoseh
Apauck wrote:Ramd is right about the rewards. It is basicly an Empire Day or Life Day just it is permenant. Yeah they might give new rewards but when everyone has a couple dozen of each then it will die off untill the next batch of rewards.

Maybe if they did something like a campaign. Each side controls X number of planets and they do multiple invasions to secure a planet. Then a win is declared when one side has all or most planets, the victor is declared and a reward is given. Add space in there and you are golden.

Unfortunatly, SOE would never spend the time on trying to impliment so awesome.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:56 am
by Saurat Seerdon
glad i cancelled my sub instead of subbing another month to be disappointed. :( can't wait til TOR comes out. i guess it might have been different...i found the problem with my computer is the video card crapped out on me. so just a matter of getting another one (that won't fry the motherboard like my last epic fail)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:04 pm
by Xoseh
Kioet wrote:glad i cancelled my sub instead of subbing another month to be disappointed. :( can't wait til TOR comes out. i guess it might have been different...i found the problem with my computer is the video card crapped out on me. so just a matter of getting another one (that won't fry the motherboard like my last epic fail)

Yeah, I was mainly subbed to see if this would help revive SWG but now I see that reviving this great game to its previous glory is impossible, now I'm just subbed for RID. (Mainly Lexx's naked body)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:15 am
by Lexx Yovel
I got some input to give later. But I think that while the update adds a number of neat things, it is still flawed for many of the reasons already mentioned.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:02 pm
by Xoseh
Well, I've participated in Invasions at Bestine and the one on Talus. It seems as though all the Imperial's gather at Bestine, and all the rebels at Dearic I think it is.

Every one I've participated in at Bestine has allowed me 1k GCW and 40 tokens (the standard win) however, outside of Bestine, I usually lose at Dearic, and Keren, well.. who goes to Keren?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:41 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
i can see keren being a lag-fest. that city is pretty graphic card unfriendly..

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:05 pm
by Xoseh
Yeah thats true, Keren is very randomly designed in my opinion. Lots of hills and oddly placed buildings. Not to mention the long walk from the Starport before you actually get into the city, then the random bridge over the random pond, etc.

I'm sure if people played right, Keren would definitly be the most fun due to terrain.