Regarding the CFM Battle.

A place to discuss RID's war plans.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
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Regarding the CFM Battle.

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:37 am

Hello RID,

I want to start off by thanking the following people in RID for coming to assist in our battle.


If I forgot somone, very sorry. We also had some pets. We lost our AT-ST, and our RID jedi unfortunately got killed. I want to start off by saying we were doomed from the begening. Me and Zetagala agreed we simply didn't have the skill. But there are always things to improve upon, which I will explain later.

First off, is a recap of the battle.

1.) RID forces assembled at the Imperial Oasis gathering buffs and grouping pets.

2.) I officialy declared Guild War with CFM.

3.) A CFM named Nisdain engaged an RID, and some of us fired, sending pets. It was then that the AT-ST became extremely damaged and almost died.

4.) We retreated back to the Imperial Oasis. The AT-ST was almost stored, although it unfortunately got destroyed.

5.) Our group was killed, and assembled at the Mos Espa cloner for heals, buffs, and another strike.

6.) Cell was sighted, apparently the only CFM. We pursued him only to be charged at by two other CFM's.

7.) We cloned, and CFM went back to Fort Oasis.

8.) We prepared and healed again, and set camp near Fort Oasis. We kept tracking the CFM's on /who.

9.) We called over our RID Jedi, Naghaz. And awaited for him to arrive.

10.) CFM found our location and killed us unsuspectingly.

11.) We cloned at Espa, where we healed again, and our jedi arrived.

12.) Our jedi Naghaz scouted ahead and was pursued by CFM. He unfortunatly died, and cloned far away. He could not return.

13.) We considered calling allies, but it was futile. CFM arrived at the Espa cloner and ordered we conditionaly surrendered. We put our weapons away and sat and stood where we were without fighting.

14.) We said we wouldnt surrender, and you would have to kill us first terrorists. Nisdain said, I *am* a terrorist and killed our group. This is where frustration began.

15.) CFM went to the cantina, where a CFM wanted to talk to me. He ordered an uncoditinal surrender. I said, we will surrender temporarily. Apparently that wasnt the answer he was looking for, so he incapped me.

16.) From that point on it seemed repetitive. We must have died 15 times. Finnaly we cut off guild war, and we told those terrorists who are the scum they are, we surrender temporarily, but not unconditionaly.

17.) We assembled at the City Hall, and had a meeting. Some of that info will be discussed here.

At the battle, there were numerous errors. A lot were mine. A lot could have been improved upon by the group. But overall, it was my decision that lead you into the chain of death that you experienced.

1.) I failed to send spies to gather intel on CFM's proffesions. I underestimated CFM, and assumed that a group of buffed 15 members, and AT-ST and even a jedi, could take in a group of 3-5. Assuming is not good, and I sent everyone to death.

2.) We set our sights to high. There was simply no possible way to win this battle. We simply dont have the skill at all. We were in the training stages.

3.) There was a lack of obeying orders. And those who did follow orders did not respond with a simple okay, or alright, signalling they were at least listening. During battle, all I want to hear are high ranking officers giving orders, and soldiers obeying. If you have any information or suggestions, send us a tell.

4.) Dont fire unless we order it. And dont hold fire if we do tell you to. When we ordered to attack a single Rebel, not every person in our group sent their pets to attack, and not every member used his weapon (Excluding Docs who need to be around to heal people)

5.) Always stick together. We had the group seperated at times. That was a major problem. We need all the firepower we can use.

Now, this is all I can think of. I am sure there were some other minor ones. But the main problems were me thinking we had the ability to take on an experienced guild, and the group not being able to follow orders. However, if you trace all the errors back to where it started, you will find I am to blame. Because I sent you on a difficult war we simply couldn't win.

All of us wanted to see that traitor burn in flames, and see CFM begging surrender to *us*. However it wont happen yet. As of now, we devote ourselves to city and guild growth, alliancing, simple light-hearted events, and training sessions.

I want to start that our city reorganization process will be underway soon, and we already have alliances forming. So that leaves the last two things. Events and training.

After that attack on CATS, which doesn't even look half as bad as this battle, we said we would train, and wouldn't attack any guilds in that period of training and doing simple events. Unfortunately, I did not let that happen.

From this point on I promise we will no longer send you on a war against a Rebel guild. We will take part in simple events. Some of the simple ones include racing, marching, or the jepordy game Kurke wants to form.

The combat ones simply include raiding Anchorhead, and Rebel Faction Base, or doing Imperial Missions.

As for training sessions, these are important. Some trainings include leveling skills, following orders, speed, efficency, and organization, among others. Last night we did formation trainings.

Formations make us look more organized, and it lets us know if your following orders. It will also make it simpler to move in and attack a target. Last night you did well sticking together and entering formations. The only problem I could see really was marching in one straight row. All it takes is practice, and Zetagala went on with leading the group after I logged. Not sure what you did afterwards.

Anywho, we tried. It's not over yet. We do whatever we can to make us look like the best, and the most feared guild.


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:09 pm

I would just like to say that those Rebels tried to convert us when ever you would have been killed. They said stuff like "i feel so sorry for you for following Lexx's idiocys." I simply responded saying " Lexx is no idiot. I would follow his leadership always."

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:00 pm

My leadership may not have been good. I sent everyone to death several times. But CFM sure has a way of brain washing people into joining the Rebellion. Cell is a mindless drone. He will belive anything. But thanks for your loyalty Iwooko. You did well yesterday.


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:53 pm

I just want to say that I finally figured out what CFM really means: Cock F*ucking Men. Sorry, I'm still a little bitter from yesterday. Hope no one took offense.

Anyways, what I'd really like to say is, even though we got our butts kicked, I am still proud of RID. Yes, there are more things we need to learn, i.e., training, taking orders, formations, etc., but I am very proud of the way we did not back down to them after dying numerous times. We would not give up. Even I, a dancer with hardly any combat experience, stood up to them over and over. I remember telling one of them, Tegras, that "I am an unarmed dancer and if you kill me, you are even more weak than we are", needless to say, he killed me then kissed me, YUCK.

We are still growing as a guild, and we will need to organize training events and so, and everyone needs to be present. Yesterday, after war, like Lexx stated, we did to formation training, but it will do no good, if only a few people from guild are there to learn. We need to set up war training activities and everyone should try their hardest to come.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:59 pm

Ya, we need to have weekly or daily training sessions for the guild. Maybe at rotating times so different time zones can attend. I still have much hatred towards those CFM's. They are much worse than CATS. But once we train. All Rebels fall!

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Post by Santos » Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:25 am

i may have been late but i got in about half of the war! dont forget to include me! :mrgreen: also, if i had a buff i woulda killed em as easily as i killed lexx! iwooko beat me, but only because my health was lower than 1k when it was full, but now I got ridda that with a stat migration heheheh... also , where can i get those suicide bots? my old droid engineer (gear head) isnt on anymore :(

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:19 pm

Hehe, forgot about adding you Tele, you would whipped them :P

Too bad for gear head leaving. If you check any droid engineer shop you may find some.

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Long live the empire...

Post by Kuiloo » Mon Jul 26, 2004 6:57 am

I'm proud of you RID members.
We lose this battle but not the War against those rebels.
We will have our revenge but simply need to learn from our defeat.
I agree with Lexx that training is the only way.
We must be well organized and prepared before our next battle !
And believe me, we will win next time and I will be there :twisted:
Long live the Empire and RID
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