CMF Battle Check-List

A place to discuss RID's war plans.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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CMF Battle Check-List

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:11 pm

For the battle on Saturday you HAVE to prepare. I cant stress that too much. For the battle, I ask that you bring the following. If you dont follow the below, you, or our entire team will be killed.

1.) A full or almost-full suit of the best armor you can find. Resists should be 60% or higher. High quality Ubese or Composite armor is acceptable. Stun Composite armor helps out a lot in PvP.

2.) The best weapon you are certified to use. Make sure the stats are great. If it isn't sliced already, SLICE it. And if it isn't powered up already, give it a damage POWERUP.

3.) If your a novice medic or higher, bring the best Sim-B's (Or better if you are higher than novice med) to the battle. Stims are a required need for battle if you are certified to use any kind.

4.) Bring as much food and drinks as possible. Bring blue milk, travel bicuits, and those foods that prevent against dizzy and knockdown. Bring spices as a last resortneccesity.

5.) Bring personal support. Faction pets, droid, animals, anything is okay. Bring whatever is your best pet!

6.) Obtain action, health, and MIND buffs. Our guild members should be able to give action and health buffs. But mind buffs are tricky. We will try our best to bring an entertainer for the job but bring vasarian brandy as a substitue or enhancment.

7.) Stay together. DONT seperate. The last thing we want is to have half of our group 200 meters away.

8.) Follow orders ALWAYS! This is very important. Our orders can save your life if you follow them accordingly. No who is leading you and always follow there order, and never ask questions, especcialy if your in confusion in the middle of a fire fight.

9.) Clone and insure at Fort Oasis.

10.) This message is being sent in-game. If you have any more questions or comments please reply.

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Post by Santos » Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:40 pm

Hello sir, just wanted to say that i'll slice all weapons for free. I also recently aquired 2 new skills, fencer and commando, so I may be more of a help to the war now

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:42 pm

Excellent, so if anybody wants some weapon slicing, go to him :D


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 16, 2004 4:59 am

Alright, i'm going to share some tips on what the role of each combat profession should be for more efficient damage etc

Combat Medic

Your job is to generally be a pain in the arse. Bosh out as many mind poisons as possible to as many people as you can, but use ranged stimpacks too, if you see anyone dying heavily.


After buffing everyone, keep an eye on the group status bar. Take fire blankets - a mind fire can be instant death, so get ready to leg it over and help them out. Area stimpacks also come in handy if the group is a tight unit and suffering heavily.

The most under-rated profession. Your job is to keep status effects on all of your enemies i.e Dizzy, blind and stun. You may also want to follow up Fully Auto Single 2 with a charge shot or suppression fire - this will force your enemy to be knocked down or lowered. When they try to stand, they land flat on their arse. Then use Burst shots to do damage, or crippling shot if they're near death, but dont focus on killing players - you are there for support

Keep in their faces and use your melee KD if possible. I would recommend using a geonosian sonic blaster or DX2 pistol to do the most damage. Keep the bleeds on and remember to stay in their face, chances are, you wont contract a status effect and you are pretty damn hard to hit!!!

Hit their mind hard... Use flurryshot1 to keep them dizzy and then use suppression fire. Keep using flurryshot1 on them when they are down. T21's are preferable, if not DXR-6b's are more than adequate. Put bleeds on the mind as well, they may not seem like much but it all builds up.

Warcry and intimidate, cannot stress that enough. Lunges help a tonne too, you have an amazing range (about 20m) with a lunge attack. Warcry 2 stops your opponent from attacking for 20 seconds, intimidate makes you easier to hit, and do less damage.

Get in their faces and use your stun baton. Stun batons will go right through 90% of armour and can do a hell of a lot of damage. Use scatter Hit 2 as it is most likely to hit for mind damage. Put dizzie's on and then use 1 handed lunge.. Will counteract thakitillo if they are using any. Blinds and Bleeds will also help out

Teras Kasi
Dizzy/KD. Then Unarmed head hit. You can use unarmed hit 3, but you should always go for mind if you can. Put status effects on as well - stun and blind. Dont feel scared to try something different either, intimidate and warcry goes a long way.

Again, sorely underestimated. You have a range of sweeps and AOE attacks, so use them. Get DoT pikes if you can - mind fire or poison being preferable. You thrive when surrounded by enemies. Use Long Vibro Axe after applying the DoT and keep your enemies pressured.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:05 am

Oops, not done yet

Use last ditch. Smuggler is definitely a pvp unfriendly combat class. Last ditch is about all you're good for (Sorry guys)

Use the flamethrower and set them on fire over and over and over again. Then switch to heavy acid rifle and ping them. Grenades are rarely used -They may be ham heavy but can do up to 1.5k damage.... That's a lot! However, if you have only recently gained commando, use a launcher pistol as you have some skill from master marksman. You will be appalling with heavy weapons as a novice commando, so use launcher pistol if you're novice.

Bounty Hunter
You want to do as much damage as quickly as possible. You have next to no defences (unless you are master pistoleer too). LLC can be good, but i would recommend using carbines - Use fire knockdown and confusion shot - this is a jedi killing combination and will quite easily dispatch most. When they are on the floor, hammer them with Underhand shot, which does a reasonable amount of damage. If using pistols, use eye shot. It works a charm and is highly irritating for the recipient


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:07 am

Lol forgot swordsman

Your sweeps and AOE attacks can help if you are mobbed. If someone kites you, don't run towards them, run away, look for cover and wait. Your mind hits and bleeds are your friends, and if you see someone dizzy, give them a sweep, then hammer the mind. Swordsmen can kill krayts - a player character should be no hassle. Just intimidate, warcry and kill.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:53 am

Wow, wonderful tips Mnyak. Too bad you cant make it but these tips sure should come in handy. I would post this all in-game, but its too long lol.
I am going to force everyone to come over here to read this.

And you forgot another one Mnyak :P

These guys can pack a punch in battle. You can use /cityban on Rebels to distract them while our friends take some shots at them. Even better, you have ballot boxes. Throw them at your opponent.

Well actually, I might try city ban on them while I am at it. The ballot boxes might be tricky. Anywho, I saw Rifleman in the list.

Mnyak Said:
Hit their mind hard... Use flurryshot1 to keep them dizzy and then use suppression fire. Keep using flurryshot1 on them when they are down. T21's are preferable, if not DXR-6b's are more than adequate. Put bleeds on the mind as well, they may not seem like much but it all builds up.

Nice to see how well Riflemen are. I have a nifty T21. I bought it a long time ago for 350K from Elvander if anyone knows him. It has some pretty darn good damage on the mind but is a bit slow. So my main choice is the Disruptor Rifle. Another expensive "tool" but its faster, does stun, damage and shoots cool rings.

Oh and Mnyak, I have 2/0/2/0 in Rifleman. Would that do any good? I have mind shot and head shot. I use that a lot but it almost kills ME in the process hehe. It sort of causes mind damage back at me for using the command. What would you recomend with the Rifleman skills I have now?

Also, I am only a Novice Bounty Hunter right now. I have an LLC but I dont normally use it. I like the other rifles I have.

Also, one cool thing to buy if your at least a Novice Bounty Hunter OR Novice Smuggler is buy suicide robots. Ask a droid engineer to give you a crate of explosive module droids. Only the proffesions I mentioned can use them. But if you buy one or a few, you can program them to chase a target or a large clump of people and KABOOM. A large ammount of damage is inflicted. Only downside is that brave robot wont come back. Think of them as grenades that can chase people.

Its also not mentioned how droids can do other functions. Like some droids can be turned into Stim Dispensers if you have at least 0/0/0/4 in medic and buy one from a droid engineer. It speeds up stimming a bit. I am not quite sure how well this type of droid does, I never really seen one in action.

And Mnyak, one last question. I used to have 2 other AT-ST's. The first one I got was a long time ago, before the guild was founded. I went a little crazy and used it on every Rebel I saw. Then a Commando used his flame thrower on it for a suicide kill.

The second one I got had a similar fate.

And now I have a new one, and I am afraid to use it in PvP. Should I? I heard Commandos cant get them now, but Rifleman have a good job killing these things.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:32 am

Riflemen and swordsmen can quite comfortably demolish AT-ST's.
If you see T21's and power hammers, dont bother calling it out, but otherwise, go for it. You will quite comfortably ping most people..

Mind shots are bleeding and act in a DoT manner. Just pop one, then work on the headshots.

Do you have ranged support?? If so, use suppression fire. Just keeps the enemy low and immobile.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:07 pm

Thanks for the tips Mnyak. I have supression fire, I ought to use that more.
