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Mikal's Bio

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:52 pm
by Mikal
Mikal Zaitzev was born on the backwater planet of Tatooine, in the city of Mos Entha about 30 years ago. He lived a pretty normal childhood, playing with friends and the like. He did get into the occasional trouble throwing rocks at the local police, but no major crime violations. On his 17th birthday his dad, a local merchant, caught him with one of the local slavegirls. Sorry, no details on that due to a non-disclosure agreement with the slave's owner. Anyways, his dad was forced to kick him out of the house. No way was he going to let his son spoil his good name. He did however provide his son with a maroj melon, a suit of clothes, and a pistol.
Mikal was now on his own. With his parents not speaking to him, or providing an allowance for that matter, he didn't know what to do. He met a stranger that told him that he would buy hides from the local creatures for him for an amazing 3 credits per hide. Mikal couldn't believe his luck. So he started blasting away at the rills and womprats around town, slowly getting better with his pistol. Then a wonderful thing happened one day. A local crafter bestowed upon him a new rifle. It was a bit cumbersome at first, but he got better at that too. All this while he was selling the hides to the stranger.
After a few weeks, Mikal had enough money saved up to buy a small home. He bought his deed and went in search of a place to call his own. He started wandering around in the desert until he came upon a city by the name of Mos Nevah. It had a shuttleport, a mall, and a terminal that would allow him to make some credits by killing the local wildlife. He did not want to intrude on the citizenry there, so he set up his house on the side of a hill overlooking the town.
There he stayed practicing his rifle abilities. About this time he found out that he needed to learn to patch up his cuts and scrapes from scrambling around on the rocks. Before long, he was considered a master medic, sometimes even venturing into Mos Espa and Mos Eisley to help the local doctors patch up the wounded soldiers that were constantly flowing into the medical center.
One day, while getting his gear packed up for another hunting trip into the nearby squill cave, he was approached by a Wookiee by the name of Kysorsosa. Kysorsosa was in the business of selling resources to crafters, and my house was on a prime vein of ore. Kysorsosa paid Mikal 10 thousand credits to pick his home up and move it about 50 meters. They then started talking about the area, and Kysorsosa mentioned that he belonged to a group of people that were fighting against the Empire. Mikal didn't know much then about the civil war going on, as he kept to himself mostly after the escapade with the slave girl. Kysorsosa invited him to move into the town that he lived next to, and to join the group in their fight against the Empire. Mikal agreed.
For the next several months Mikal spent more time in the city of Anchorhead defending it from attacks from a group calling themselves FATALIS-, who had an Imperial base overlooking the small town. Finally, the time came for an all out attack on the base. The Hooded Nomads (what Mikal's new friends called themselves) joined up with several other militias for an attack that many would call suicidal, due to FATALIS- being so proficient in combat. However, the rebels were tenacious, and finally Fort FATALIS- fell.
With Anchorhead secured except for the occasional raid from Imperial troops, the Hooded Nomads looked to protect their own borders, as their small rebel hospital was under almost daily attacks from the Mos Vegas Mafia. The battles raged, and men fell all around him. But being a master at use of a rifle, and the recent discovery that Acklay Venom could increase the potency of his poisons and diseases that he was prone to use, Mikal was very successful, and even earned the nickname of Mikal "Chemical Mike" Zaitzev. He ran a booming business in both Mos Nevah and right outside of Anchorhead.
Then, a strange thing happened. Reports of a village being discovered on Dathomir that could cause someone to be attuned to the force drew Mikal there. He did everything that was asked of him, until one day he was out fighting a Rancor when he was hit in the head....all went black.

Mikal woke up almost 2 years later in a hospital bed in one of the outposts on Dathomir. He was stiff, and could barely move. He also noticed that his fighting skills were greatly diminished. He could also not remember anything about how to help himself survive. He took the first shuttle back to Tatooine, only to find his previous home a shambles. Only a few homes remained of the once great metropolis. Mikal was greatly saddened. He didn't know what to do with his life then. He looked into his backpack and found that he had a crafting tool or two laying in there, along with some materials that were in his safety deposit box. He sold many of his personal effects, including his beloved Marine Armor, along with it's backpack.
He then set up shop outside of Bestine making various items until he met a man by the name of Ferihi. Mikal encountered Ferihi while he was walking around Kachiro. He saw that Mikal had a suit of armor, so even though he wasn't effective so much with a blaster, invited Mikal along on a hunting excursion. He became friends with the group of people and eventually was persuaded to move to Dantooine with them.
For a while, things were going great. Mikal had abandoned the rebellion when he woke up, since they didn't do anything to help him keep his friends around. Then something happened that changed the way Mikal thought about the Galactic Civil War. His "friend", Ferihi, was a member of the rebellion, even though he never tried to get Mikal to join. Mikal was a full time trader by then, and was considered a master shipwright. Ferihi was troubled that several members had joined up with larger groups of people, so in order to keep those of us that had stuck around together, was going to get us all to join the guild called HERO. Mikal agreed to this in theory, as it would help him make new friends. Something happened though. Ferihi would come to betray Mikal and his remaining friends. He ran off and joined with HERO, and actually stopped responding to comms. This angered Mikal greatly. Ferihi was supposed to be a leader, however he ran off to promises of glory at the first opportunity. Mikal and his friends remained in the town of Nuitari for a few more months. Eventually they all grew apart and they disbanded their organization. About that time, Mikal heard that Ferihi and the rest of HERO were commonly found around Restuss, over on Rori. Mikal went to go see if he could find anything out about the group. He didn't see HERO there that day, but he did see a group of men fighting that called themselves the Regal Imperial Defenders. As loyal servants of the Empire, Mikal knew that they would never betray him as his former friends did, since the Empire looks down on betraying people for the most part. They were an honorable lot, so Mikal wrote to their leader, Lexx Yovel. After speaking in letters for a couple of weeks, Mikal finally met Lexx Yovel. After a brief interview, Lexx invited Mikal to join the group in their fight against the Rebel Terrorists. By this time Mikal was fed up with the Rebellion and the backstabbers that it spawned. So he readily agreed. And the rest is history that has yet to be written.

((wow...that is long...if you got all the way through it...grats!! This was just to fill people in on a few things about my char. I could probably write a novel on it, but well, that just takes too much time hehe))

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:12 pm
by Jaysont
great work,

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:41 am
by Lexx Yovel
Great story :D