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Matron, Operative of R.I.D.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:12 pm
by matron
The Begining

On a cold and damp Corillian night, a storm trooper patrol was passing through the slums on Coro-Net. They Cam across a mother huddling in a ally, sheltering a baby from the bitter wind whiping through the small passageway. They demanded identification, but the woman did not speak basic, as she was of Janta descent. The squad attempted to take the mother and child into cutsody and transfer them to imagration, but the mother resisted, fearing they were trying to take her child. In the strugle, a Troopers E-11 Rifle went off and put a smoking hole dead center in the mothers chest.

Unnoticed by either the Imperial troops nor the defenseless refugees, a team of elite Rebel Bothan Spies were on their way to a warehouse to oversee an arms transaction between the Alliance and Borvo the Hutt. While traversing the shady rooftops, the lead scout of the bothan unit spoted the disturbance out of the corner of his accutly percise eyes. Using his rebublic issue electro-binoculars to get a closer look at the event, the scout signaled for the squad to form up behind him.

Unaware of the strike being planed at this very moment on his team, the Storm Trooper Squad Leader activated his Comlink to call for pick up for the small Janta Youngling. Just as he bent over to retreive the squirming bundle, he was hit in the back by a Tenloss Disrupter Rifle round, instantly disinagrating the unfourtanate soldier. Before the rest of the White-clad men could arm themselves, 5 bothan commandos droped from the lofty heights of the corrilian buildings, one for every two of the remaining soldiers.

The squads engaged in hand to hand comabt, being far to close for the Imperial E-11's or the Rebublic Disrupters to work efficently. With the storm troopers limited visability, and the botan's unique agility, the imperial forces were slowly beat back untill one of the few Storm troopers left standing called for a general retreat. The bothans, not keen on shooting a fleeing adversary in the back, allowed the troops to escape, and took the small wailing child back to their extraction point for pickup.

17 Years Later.......

"Are you sure your ready for this son?" asked General Han Solo of the alliance resistance.

"I'll do what needs to be done" snaped the eager Agent Matron.

"Alrighty then. Heres your objective. We need a operative to scout out the imperial base before our troops get within range of their snipers. If you can dicern the location of as manby riflemen as you can, you just might turn the tide of this war son." Said General Solo over the blue prints of the target base.

" AH i see..... so no preasure then?" joked Matron somberly.

And so it starts.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:20 pm
by Theep
ummmm so your a rebel?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:07 pm
by Lexx Yovel
He *was* a Rebel, but he soon defects (in a later story).


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:20 am
by matron

exactly lexx. This story just explained my proffesion (spy). and it relates to my past on wanderhome. :evil:

The Set Up

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:41 am
by matron
The Set Up

After finding a small gap in the electro-wire fence, matron entered the base complex undetected. Before making it 20 meters beyond the perimeter of the bases defenses, a shrill ringing sounded out from his comm unit. Almost instantly he was looking down the barrels of 5 E-11 carbines. As the troopers were taking him to the detainment center for questioning, he saw his "friends" sneak by the distracted soldiers. "The bastards set me up!" thought Matron. That was the last thing matron remembered before a neural-toxin was injected into his neck to keep him "cooperative".


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:26 pm
by matron

yea this story line starts me as being a rebel cause i was a commander in a rebel guild till i came to starsider. After im done with the story you shouldnt have any doubt as to my loyalty to the Empire or RID.

The Dark secret

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:13 am
by matron
......... Matron grogily opened his eys and tryed to stretch, but was bound to some type of examination table. Pretending to still be un-concious, he darted his eyes around the room trying to discern the number of troopers he would have to go through to make his escape. the only other figure in the room was a tall man clad entirly in gleaming black armor and a long, flowing cape. "VADER" matron growled through clenched teeth. Just as abruptly as he had awaken, matron fell into darkness once more as the imposing figure of the Sith lord waved a single gloved hand in his direction...........


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:34 pm
by matron
.......... "iasyci come quick! he's awake!.

Matron awoke one more time, but this time in a well lit medical room, looking up at a medic clad in a red and black medical smock.

"Dont strain. Your still beat up pretty bad. I patched you up the best i could, but those brutes in the bucket heads sure did a number on you." Said the imperial doctor in a calming voice.

((ooc)) eerrggg class is ending lol. when i get home ill edit this and finish up this segment and erase this part :?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:23 pm
by Theep
hmm theep says matron is a rebel, lexx says hes not. Matron says when hes done I will no doubt see he is loyal to the Empire and RID. I dont see how this can be true?
And crannar and Matron joined the boards at the same time..

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:15 pm
by Waucod Meesman
do you meen Cannar?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:52 pm
by Theep
Yea, incase you didnt know, matron had been spying on RID for MEK and is really a Rebel.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:45 am
by Leviathen
I quite enjoyed reading those bios Matron, they are extremely well written.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:36 am
by Waucod Meesman
*TAKES DEEP BREATH*... nevermind