Quest Guides

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Quest Guides

Post by Barney » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:05 am

As you know, I'm making in-game holo-mail quick-guides to quests, with waypoints appended to make running through the quests as easy as possible for people, and also just for my own convenience on my alts.

Currently this is the list of quest guides available, and I will update this post as I add them.

Aurilia 1: Introduction
Aurilia 2: Rohak's Statues
Aurilia 3: Axkva-Min Unlock
Aurilia 4: Ig-88 Unlock
Aurilia 5: ISD Unlock
Aurilia 6: Tusken King Unlock
Aurilia 7: Exar Kun Unlock

Kashyyyk 1: Kkowir Forest 1
-Search for the Cure I
-Search for the Cure II
-Curing the Great Tree

This is just the first start list off the top of my head. I am simultaneously working on Mustafar Quests and Kashyyyk ones as well as other miscellaneous ones.

I will be starting threads for each branch of quests (Aurilia, Kash, etc) and posting the text of my holomails on those threads, along with a waypoint macro people can cut and paste in the event they can't get a hold of me to have me forward the quest guide to them.

