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Final 8 Year Anniversary Celebration: 11/23/11

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:23 am
by Lexx Yovel
Hello everyone!

I'm taking the time now to briefly, and humbly announce a final celebration being held by the Regal Imperial Defenders on November 23rd, 2011. It will take place in our city, Fort Oasis, Tatooine. We will gather around 6:00 PM Eastern.

This day will mark RID's 8th and final year anniversary celebration, but the day is not just for RID. This celebration will be a day to remember and thank the friends and enemies of Starsider who fought with or against us these past 8 years.

With the end near, we will not be offering much in the way of rewards for competitions, but we do hope it will be an enjoyable event for those who want to say farewell.

At the event, we are planning to have fireworks, dancing, music, racing and more. I will also deliver a short address in the cantina around 7:00 PM Eastern.

So please, feel free to spread the news. Everyone is welcome!

Re: Final 8 Year Anniversary Celebration: 11/23/11

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:38 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Aaand happy birthday RID!