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Server PvP Event: Ideas?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:10 am
by Lexx Yovel
It's been a while since there's been a large PvP event on Starsider.

RID has organized, helped to organize, or simply attended several in the past.

Our most successful one was a couple years ago, when we organized a large PvP event between Bestine and Anchorhead.

There have also been large PvP events at Fort Tusken, the Rogue CorSec base, and elsewhere.

After our guild meeting, and after we do a few guild events, I figured it'd be a good idea to organize a server PvP event. Of course, this would require coordination with other Imperial (and Rebel) leaders. We may also need more reputable PvP'ers to help organize this event, because not many people may attend if its only RID advertising this.

While these sorts of events are a recipe for lagtaculous results, it might still be a good idea because there hasn't been much in the way of pulling Starsider together lately.

A PvP event on Vreni Island or Endor would be nice, but the best option is the place which produces the least lag.