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To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:27 am
by Osar
I have had a lot of time to think since the servers have been down. When back up, those of you who want to participate in going out and killing Krayts for Ancient Flawless Pearls or hunt NS's for the ever so RARE collection pieces, please let me know. I will start a group up once a week for those who would like to do this, I will try to make it to where everyone can be online at the same time. Combat level is not a must, but it is required information for me so I can know what event we will be participating in. If there is a lot of lower lvls that are not above CL 80, then we can only hunt Krayts because of the ability to protect the group, to many huge spawns of NS and Mountain Singing Clan witches on Dathomir for me to keep safe, there are many safe paths on Tatooine for hunting Krayts. If most are CL 90 then it will be group choice. Rules are posted on different part of this thread for fairness for all the group. So if you are interestd, please apply here with:

Name of Character:
Normal Log in Time:
Prefered Time to run:
Combat Level:

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:53 am
by Osar
Doing the loot rules on this part of the thread to keep attention and cludder down:

Number: Rule:
1. Loot will be Random Loot, so you get what you get.
2. Execption to Rule #1 is that if you get 2/double of the same loot that's worth trading, then you will be on an honor system as to share it with the group as this will be a group event.
3. No fighting over who gets the exception in Rule #2, that will be determined by the group leader, myself or Council member who is running the group.
4. You will however be allowed to sell, share or use junk loot and stated loot as you see fit, but please keep in mind this is a guild/group hunt so please keep in mind that if a guildie/group member needs something, please help them.
5. In order to join the group you 1st must sign up here.
6. Signing up for the group you are agreeing to all the rules stated here and that you will abide by them when in the group.
7. If more than 8 are signing up for the group, then it will be split up in to 2 or more groups, varying by CL and group/individual needs.
8. Rules are subject to change by myself or council member as needed and will be posted here when possible.
9. Lexx can and will terminate this activity or personal participation if he deems it nessary by your actions.
10. Any council member has the same right(s) as Lexx depending on situation and decision of other council members per Rule #9.

Here are the list of things that (on the honor system) are to be shared if you have more than 1 of:

1. Good to Flawless Pearls
2. Any and all holocrons that are as needed by the group
3. All mob treasure boxes, you will know what that is when the time comes.
4. Any loot that can be sold for high amount of credits (100k or higher).
5. Any collection piece needed by group.
6. Any loot that is needed by any member of the group or guild (Case by case basis if group leader/council member is told ahead of time).

List of items you can sell out right:

1. All junk loot (ie..items tagged with "Item can be sold to any Junk Dealer")
2. All stated loot (ie..items that are armor, clothing or anything that has: Luck, Precision, etc.... with a number beside it, like: Luck 25), I do ask how ever if the stated loot has at least +23 to +25 you give the group/guild first chance to purchase from you please.
3. All Cracked and Scratched Pearls, only good for decoration or sell to junk dealer.
4. All loot not mentioned in Share list above.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:23 pm
by Daiho
Killing Krayts! Hell yeah! I think I have all my pearls so I'll be glad to help guild mate to get their own :)

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:39 am
by vilem72
I have all my Ancient Flawless Pearls as well, but i'll be glad to help :D
Depends as usual on starting time, due to time difference.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:03 am
by Xoseh
Name of Character: Xoseh a.k.a The Awesomeness
Normal Log in Time: Always when you least expect it (Or just late afternoon into the late of night EST :P)
Prefered Time to run: Whenever
Combat Level: over 9000

Meh you all know how active I am, lol.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:45 am
by Osar
Xoseh wrote:Meh you all know how active I am, lol.

Yeah, we know, you keep showing up at all the wrong times, lol.

I really was hoping we could do this, but it seems like no one is taking interest. And when I say no one, I mean those who know about this and have even gotten the guild mail from me and have not posted anything. Might just have to call it off.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:16 pm
by scuttlemonkey
So as it turns out the account I kept logging in to the forums with was one that hadn't been authorized. :P

Name of Character: Carthagekin
Normal Log in Time: 8:30p EST
Prefered Time to run: 9:00p
Combat Level: 90 (LSJ ATM)

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:55 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I'll see if I can fix that :D

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:50 pm
by Osar
scuttlemonkey wrote:So as it turns out the account I kept logging in to the forums with was one that hadn't been authorized. :P

Name of Character: Carthagekin
Normal Log in Time: 8:30p EST
Prefered Time to run: 9:00p
Combat Level: 90 (LSJ ATM)

Well, this is for all in the profession called Jedi, so what side you use is not the problem. Just getting ppl to get in here and sign up for it is the problem. So far I have 3 to run this but only 1 that needs it.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:51 pm
by Osar
LexxYovel wrote:I'll see if I can fix that :D

Thanks, I hope that this can kick off. I am not expecting to see it work this week, I am trying to formulate a day and time for the group.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:53 pm
by Osar
vilem72 wrote:I have all my Ancient Flawless Pearls as well, but i'll be glad to help :D
Depends as usual on starting time, due to time difference.

That's why I am asking those who are participating to give me a time frame of when they log on.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:40 am
by scuttlemonkey
LexxYovel wrote:I'll see if I can fix that :D

You did...I was just being a tard-copter on this machine and auto-logging with the old account. I'm here with the new Lexx-approved account now! :)

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:26 am
by Lexx Yovel
Oh good :p

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:35 pm
by Osar
Ok folks, if this is all that's going, then Saturday about 9 to 10ish pm EST we will start with killing Krayts for some pearls and then switch on over to Dathomir for the witch hunting to get the collection pieces. Btw, all those present here are allowed to attend, those who did not do as I asked are not allowed.

2 Execptions:
1. They just joined the guild this week or the day of...etc...
2. Only if they talked to Xoseh about thier time contrants from his guild mail in game or Lexx allows.

Re: To all Sith/Dark Jedi's (Jedi profession) in guild.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:18 am
by Soshu
Sorry, took me forever to get on this thread *shrug*
ok, Daigotsu, cl 90, jedi, I can log in most any time...and I only have one flawless.