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Application: Aleemah Rarr

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:23 pm
by Aleemah Rarr

Character Name: Aleemah Rarr (Yes, based on an Expanded Universe character)
Gender: Female
Species: Twi'lek
Faction and GCW Rank (OOC): Imperial. Private.
Heroic Instance Access: None.
Combat Level: Only 18 currently, I've focused on space.
Profession: Jedi
Pilot Type and Squadron (if known): Imperial Pilot. Storm Squadron. Ace level.


Do you have any alternate character(s)? If so, mention their name(s), faction(s), level(s), profession(s) and any additional information. List if they are in guild(s). If any are not in a guild, state if you'd like them to join R.I.D: None so far.

Do you have any real-life friends or family within R.I.D? If so, what are their names? Do you know anyone personally, elsewhere throughout the game?: I know two players, Jeanne Steinhoff, and Adehe, both are close friends of mine from outside of SWG as well.

Have you ever been in any guild(s) on this server on any character? If so, mention the name of the guild(s), their faction(s), why you are no longer a part of the guild(s) and any additional information: No.

Have you ever been a Rebel on any character you played with on Starsider?: No.

Are you on the SWG Trial Account, or on the Full SWG Account?: Currently only trial. My old account was deactivated back in 2005, and upon seeing that Corbantis, my old server, had been deleted, I opened up a 14 day trial to see if I enjoyed the game again. However, I do have an activation code which I am planning on using as soon as the trial ends, thus activating a full SWG account.


Would you be willing to use the current in-game voice-chat system, if you aren't already? What about alternate voice programs?: I do not own a microphone, though I can use ventrilio.

What is your SOE forum user-name? Do you use the forums often?: I do not use the forums.

What time zone are you in? If you don't know, mention the country or state you reside in. What are your playing hours? What days of the week, and at what times are you usually most active?: Central Standard Time.

What are your interests (IE: PvP, PvE, RP, space, etc.)? Feel free to list more than one: PvP, Heavy RP and Space.

What is your real-life age? If not willing to answer this question, you may leave it blank, or give an approximation (IE: Younger or older than 18 years of age): 24

What are your traits? Are you a good communicator, leader, or follower (feel free to list others, and more than one trait if applicable)? How do you feel the guild can assist you, and how do you feel you can assist the guild?: In all honesty, I am good in all of those three listed. I have always been good at following directions and communicating. As far as leading goes, I'm useless when it comes to organizing, however I am very good at formulating strategies and tactics as far as PvP goes. I feel the guild can assist me in furthering my character, as well as bringing about the RP I've been hoping to find. As for how I can assist the guild? My combat level on land is far too low to be of much help currently, however I am a Storm Squadron Imperial Ace, and extremely well equipped in space, I believe I can assist greatly in those areas.

Additional Information: As previously stated, this is a trial account, however I will be activating it as soon as the time runs out. I'm a very avid and longtime roleplayer, PvPer, and I would say I am also an excellent pilot. Also, fair warning, I am a somewhat major Star Wars nerd.

Re: Application: Aleemah Rarr

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:55 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Hi Aleemah, thanks for the application.

It's good to see someone with a strong interest in space, and other things.

Out of curiosity, where did you find RID? Did someone direct you to us or did you find us on your own?

We'll keep in touch more in-game.

Re: Application: Aleemah Rarr

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:40 pm
by Aleemah Rarr
Actually, a member of RID messaged me in the Mos Eisley cantina last night, while I was trying to find an ID. Daigotsu contacted me, asking if I was looking for an Imperial guild, offered to sponsor :)

Looking forward to hearing from you

Re: Application: Aleemah Rarr

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:41 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Oh great :)

Was just curious. I should be in-game soon, but if we don't meet, tomorrow works as well.