Application: Shif-Tee

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Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Application: Shif-Tee

Post by Shif-Tee » Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:03 am


Character Name: Shif-Tee
Gender: Male
Species: Bothan
Faction and GCW Rank (OOC Rank): Neutral
Heroic Instance Access: None
Combat Level: 25
Profession: Smuggler
Pilot Type (and Squadron): Smuggler's Alliance


Do you have any alternate character(s)? If so, mention their name(s), faction(s), level(s), profession(s) and any additional information. List if they are in guild(s). If any are not in a guild, state if you'd like them to join R.I.D: None currently

Do you have any real-life friends or family within R.I.D? If so, what are their names? Do you know anyone personally, elsewhere throughout the game?: I have had many friends of mine who have and/or still do play SWG. None here on Starsider that I know of.

Have you ever been in any guild(s) on this server on any character? If so, mention the name of the guild(s), their faction(s), why you are no longer a part of the guild(s) and any additional information: New to Starsider

Have you ever been a Rebel on any character you played with on Starsider?: Eww! Rebel Scum! I would rather throw myself to the Rancor.

Are you on the SWG Trial Account, or on the Full SWG Account?: Full Account


Would you be willing to use the current in-game voice-chat system, if you aren't already? What about alternate voice programs?: I use in game voice although my fiance won't always let me keep the sound up if she's watching something good on tv :p

What is your SOE forum user-name? Do you use the forums often?: DarkSideLover and rarely if every use the forums for more than researching quests or profession info.

What time zone are you in? If you don't know, mention the country or state you reside in. What are your playing hours? What days of the week, and at what times are you usually most active?: Eastern. Right now I play daily. Ususally log in around noonish and will be logged in most the day after that. (temporary lay-offs have their good sides too!)

What are your interests (IE: PvP, PvE, RP, space, etc.)? Feel free to list more than one: I am more of a PvE kind of player. I am new to the instances (They weren't in game when I took my last hiatus) but am quickly growing fond of them. I like collecting loots and hard to get stuff so I do a lot of quest based playtime. I do however like to PvP when I get burnt out on quests or killing things over and over for some reward. I would say i'm at least average in PvP (My first smuggler so I may fall short of that boast with this toon :D ) I also enjoy space although i'm not real educated on the in's and out's of it all.

What is your real-life age? If not willing to answer this question, you may leave it blank, or give an approximation (IE: Younger or older than 18 years of age): 29

What are your traits? Are you a good communicator, leader, or follower (feel free to list others, and more than one trait if applicable)? How do you feel the guild can assist you, and how do you feel you can assist the guild?: I have been playing SWG on and off since Feb of 04 and have always tried to hold on to the sense of pride and loyalty that players used to have for their Guild as well as their Faction. From what I have read about this guild so far I can see that you all seem to still hold onto those same things. I have always done whatever I could to help out fellow guild members. In the past I have Been the co-founder of a guild on Chilastra and have held various other smaller positions in a few other guilds I have been in on a handful of servers. I am a better follower however. I am a manager at an auto detail shop so I don't want to get off work and still have to be giving orders :p

Additional Information: I am fiercly loyal to our Glorious Empire! As I told Lexx, I currently have 3 Star Wars tattoos and all of them are Imperial/Dark Side.

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine

Re: Shif-Tee's application

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:55 am

Thanks Shif-Tee, that's a nicely written application.

Just to be sure, you're open to the idea of joining the Empire officially, correct? Technically it is not an outright requirement, especially for entertainers and traders, though it's encouraged.

In any case, I look forward to speaking with you some more in-game, and when you get the chance, be sure to register a username here as well.
