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Happy 2014!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:43 pm
by Xoseh
Hey everyone!

I've re-subscribed to SWToR, and I plan on sticking with it this time now that everything in my life has settled down and everything has come into place.

Anyone still playing? I would love to get with you guys again, be it in RID or a RID-esque guild. I can transfer to any server you guys are on if it means playing with my Star Wars family again. :D

Currently I have a 50 Sith Assassin on The Shadowlands and a 55 Sith Jugg on Ebon Hawk, both by the name of Vastiri. After some forum digging I've seen that some people play on the Harbinger server?

Lets get this back off the ground once and for all!


Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:06 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I keep saying I'd like to re-form RID, but never gotten around to it (I still have the unfortunate character trait of being a procrastinator!).

My computer is in for a fix-up, and I got several weeks of training classes ahead of me. After that, once I figure out what server I'm on, we should figure out about buying the guild charter.

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:21 pm
by Xoseh
Good to hear from ya Lexx!

If we can get a few more people on the forums to respond we might be able to get RID up and running! Then once you're able to get on we can toss leadership your way.

All we gotta do is figure out the sever that you're on! :P Or maybe figure out if there is a sever that the majority of us are on and all merge to that one? Who knows what the odds of that are but it's worth a shot, haha.


Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:06 pm
by Xoseh
I don't understand! This post has 20 some odd views! Where are my people at!

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:16 am
by Saurat Seerdon
I'm on The my username. :) (formerly kioet)

finally got some decent gear too for hm flashpoints. i'm on alot now...mostly in the morning early afternoon. and sometimes at night! :)

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:19 am
by Xoseh
Hey Kioet! Good to hear from you man! Glad you're still around.

What kind of focus would we want RID to have? Swtor is a little more set on things (flashpoints/operations vs. PvP vs. GS vs. RP)

We don't really need to have a specific focus I guess, but people will probably be more likely to join if they see we have decided something.

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:56 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
focus on flashpoints since they're easy enough to do. or heroics. i have yet to experience an op, been spending time getting geared up (total noob when it comes to gear, even in swg i was bad at it) we can focus on daily runs to start, because newbs that join probably first time in a guild, dont know how to gear for fps, etc. this way we can get them geared for flashpoints. pvp, i dont like the pvp in this game, it's not as fun but i did get decent set gear for participating in it, it could be more fun if we did pvp as a group.

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:21 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
there's also the galactic starfighter thing to take into consideration as well...but my laptop doesnt like space too much..:(

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:54 pm
by Xoseh
Sorry, my last few posts have been from my phone so they had to be short and sweet, even though they were just short..

Don't get me wrong, I love PvE in every game. It's where I focus most of my time. However, I actually really enjoy the PvP in this game. The recently added GS is still very much new to me. I was hoping it would be like Space combat was in the good ole' days of SWG, but alas it is not. Although, it still is fun. Especially since they are adding the Bomber ship class. ( HOPEFULLY, they still plan on adding Guild Capital Ships and hopefully they implement it into GS somehow. That would be awesome. I'm sure they already have models they can use, it's just a matter of scripting it.

I'm sure you're right though, Kioet. We will probably stick with a PvE focus, with people leading branches to form events for PvP, GS, RP, etc. It's all very possible, and it's all very easy to accomplish. Obviously Lexx will be the head honcho of course. We wouldn't be here 10 years down the road if it wasn't for him, haha. I think once we pick a server and get the guild started, it'll just keep rolling on from there. There are a lot of players who are high level or cap level and still unguilded (albeit there could be a reason it is that way, we'll have to give the benefit of the doubt for a while), there are also plenty of new players ripe for the ranks of RID.

Honestly, who knows what will happen in the Star Wars universe now that Disney is leading it all. They can either do a really good job licensing off Star Wars titles to companies who know what the hell they are doing, or they can completely screw it up and give it back to SOE! Hey, maybe if they did that we could at least get our Galaxies back. :'( :D

List of servers as follows.

East Coast
The Shadowlands (PvE)
Ebon Hawk (RP)
Jedi Covenant (PvE)
Jung Ma (RP-PvP)
Prophecy of the Five (PvP)

West Coast
The Harbinger (PvE)
Bastion (PvP)
Begeren Colony (RP)

I've noticed that Shadowlands and Ebon Hawk are two East Coast servers that can hit High population rating later on at night. I haven't really noticed others going above standard. As of 6 PM EST they're all at standard rating. So I think we can pretty much pick any server and go from there. What do you think, Lexx? Kioet?

Btw, I will always know you as Kioet on these forums. :P

Edits for dayssss.

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:45 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
i was unguilded for the longest time, didn't do any flashpoints or much of the group content til recently after doing pvp for enough comms to get decent gear i'm finally able to get in flashpoints via groupfinder. i've seen harbinger hit heavy a few times as well as bastion. i play the game sporadically though, sometimes i get really into it then i cut out for a week or so, hopefully not anymore since i've got decent gear.

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:21 pm
by Xoseh
Soon as we decide on a permanent server, I'm going to roll a tank. Not sure what class yet, but definitely a tank. My Juggernaut is a DPS, as is my Assassin. I would love to put them on the same server, lol.

Then obviously we'll all help each other get gear. Have you done any of the Oricon missions? I'm up to a mission where I need to kill a Tower Commander but I just can't out-DPS him. I need to upgrade my healing companions gear very badly though, so that might be why.

..Actually that definitely is why, lol.

ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE?! DONT BE SHY NOW! Even if you just want to say hi :D There is no way Lexx, Kioet and Myself got this post up to almost 50 views. :P

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:34 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
move to the harbinger! :) i have my level 55 sniper, level 30ish juggernaut, level 12 mercenary, and level 10 assassin

:) yeah i just finished Oricon except for the Op. I'm in the lucasforums guild 'imperialst meatbags' but ready to jump ship once Lexx reactivates RID

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:39 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
also, helps on Oricon to at least have 1 other player with you, this way you have something of a 4-man group with companions acting in as 2 other players. of course having 4 players doing dailies on that would be a breeze.

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:28 pm
by Xoseh
I can't move my characters around until I know what server we're definitely settling on! haha. It's $20 per transfer, and I want to move a few guys over. So up until we decide, I can't move anyone around. :( I'm soooorrrryyyy.

And I know, but I don't really branch out for people to help. When I do, people usually ignore me, lol. People don't want to help most of the time if there is nothing in it for them. I did all of Oricon up to that part by myself so I'm not giving up just yet.

Lexx! Where you at man?! Stop procrastinating. :P

Re: Happy 2014!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:02 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
move to harbinger man!!! do it now!!!! im online for another 1-2 hours then hitting the gym.