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Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:37 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Regal Code of Conduct

1.) Members of the Regal Imperial Defender's shall show respect to each other, and to all other subjects of the Sith Empire. Failure to do so may result in immediate expulsion from the Regal Imperial Defenders.

2.) Newly accepted members of the Regal Imperial Defenders shall be aware that they are eligible for removal without warning during their thirty (30) day trial period. This trial period is designed to determine whether or not a new recruit is a suitable member for the Regal Imperial Defenders. Once the thirty days has expired, the member will be considered a fully enlisted Defender. If a newly accepted member is removed during the trial period, they may request an explanation. If they wish to rejoin the Regal Imperial Defenders after being removed, they must meet with the Executive Council to reverse the decision. If a trial member leaves the organization willingly during the thirty days, they have forfeited their time spent with the organization, and will have to undergo another full thirty days trial period if they wish to rejoin. Certain individuals may be exempt from trial periods, depending on the circumstances.

3.) Prior to embarking on an operation or heroic journey, members shall coordinate loot criteria amongst the group. If no coordination is made, Code Green items will be "free for all" in any circumstance. Code Blue or higher will be on a "need" basis on non-operation quests. If you do not need a Code Blue or higher item, it may be "greeded" for companions. Code Orange items on operations shall only be "needed" if you yourself need the item. If desired for an associate or companion, you may "greed" the item. These rules are only meant to serve as a guideline. They may be amended and coordinated by the group as seen fit, before embarking on a mission. However, any clear violation of this criteria may result in a review of one's eligibility for membership (This Article is still in discussion, and may be subject to alteration).

4.) If the Leader of the Regal Imperial Defenders is absent for any length of time, it is the right and the duty of the Executive Council to assume command during that time. Ordinarily, the Executive Council consists of four Defenders, each of whom possess the right to recruit and expel members to and from the Regal Imperial Defenders. However, the Executive Council shall make an effort to consult with the Leader before removing a member. If the Leader cannot be notified, they may remove the member, and send a memo to the Leader explaining why the member was removed.

5.) The Leader and the Leader only withholds the right to amend, append, or remove certain Articles within the Regal Code of Conduct as seen fit.

6.) Members must pledge loyalty first and foremost to the Sith Empire and its Regal Imperial Defenders. Any conflict of interest with another faction or organization may result in a review of one's eligibility for membership. However, this does not preclude the membership of affiliates in the Republic-aligned organization known as the Republic Imperial Defenders.