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My current absence

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:55 am
by artimaes
I've been out a few days (I hope someone's noticed), and it's because I am now service extra duty on an article 15. You military guys will know what that means I expect, but for the rest of you it basically is the lowest form of legal punishment given by the military, and extra duty means I work from 6AM to 10PM every day during the week and 9 to 9 on I have no time for personal life. I am still fighting it, but I'll probably be out for a couple more weeks. I'll see you guys all...later. I will take a short amount of time during my dinner each day, however, to make sure the TS server is up(it's up again btw). Other than that, though, I'm out of the loop unless my commander takes favorable action.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:42 pm
by Osar
That sucks, hope that you can appeal to the BDE CMD. I really think it's retarded that they can nail you for not obeying orders with that BS excuse. I have seen some petty stuff in my life time, but that by far is the worst. Take care and btw, I would make sure some one in JAG, BOSS, or IG know what kinda crap they are doing to you.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:46 pm
by Lexx Yovel
If it makes any difference, I have noticed you haven't been on, lol.

I'm sorry to hear about that though. 6 to 10? That's something I don't think I could ever sign up for.

Thank you for letting us know though, and keeping the TS server running.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:12 am
by Monthigos
I noticed. Forgot you had that bullshit lingering over your head. For some reason I thought you were playing Repub this whole time on the other side. ;) Well drive through the crap, sorry that had to happen to you.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:09 am
by artimaes
So, I caught a small break...because my wife had surgery yesterday. I am home to take care of her today. I probably won't be able to do more than check my mail ingame, because the kids are a handful without her help, but I was so glad for the chance to rest a little. The 1st is "the end" of my extra duty, I didn't count to see if that meant the last day I do it or the first day I don' way or another I'll be back sorta soonish. My apeal went nowhere because the REAL battalion commander is on leave and the <probably shouldn't post the language that goes here> that's taking over as acting commander for the interim thinks he's an expert on discipline and legal issues....straight insulting when he tells me that accepting an article 15 instead of a court martial is a "plea of guilt" and I obviously know I'm a dirtbag. Really? You're gonna say that to somebody? IG is my first stop on monday. He could have at least just said he agrees with the punishment and leave it at that, instead of telling me I'm a piece of garbage and I know it. Even went so far as to tell me I'm just like a soldier he used to have when he was a company commander who he gave 7 article 15s to and then chaptered, and I need to stop mouthing off to NCOs....even though no one said I do that, no counseling statements say I do that, and I didn't say I do that...I get in trouble for saying helpful things at the wrong time or to the wrong people, not for being defiant or disrespectful. But of course, morons are morons. I'd have been good with the real Bn CDR, he'd have actually listened and thought about it instead of letting me make my apeal ONLY for the opportunity to talk at me, not to hear what I have to say. Can't stand people like that.

So anyway, now that I've vented that, I hope you guys are all getting way past me ingame. I'm dissapointed to read that we haven't really found very many SS guilds on this server. Is there a forum or something where we could communicate with them in order to locate them? Well, I'll see you guys in the coming week, I guess.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:21 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I'll see what I can find. Maybe there's an independent Sith Wyrm server we can look for.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:13 pm
by Osar
Hey here is something to tell IG as soon as you get there, "My acting Bn Cmd verbally abused me by calling me a "Dirtbag" and said that I was unfit to be a soldier" I mean, that's what I see here in what you said about what he told you. I know for a fact no one can tell you that you are unfit (only a court marshall can determine that you are unfit) and the name calling is way out of reg. That right there got a CSM relieved when I was in Korea, called some one a name and wow they forced him to retire only half way through his tour there. So that MAJ/wanna be LTC/wanna be JAG is definately outta the army. I would toast him and by doing so you can also show that he is a part of the crap 15 you have right now and it might get thrown back in the idiot so called "NCO"'s face. Hope this helps.

Re: My current absence

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:55 am
by artimaes
Alright, so I'm finally off extra duty. But, of course, no rest for the weary. I got off extra duty on wednesday, but since just prior to that my wife has been having complications from a surgery! So...I have had even less free time and it's even cut significantly into my work time this last week. Things are finally settling down with that, though. She can probably still use some prayer cuz what's going on is blackout/passing out and they don't know what the cause is...just that it's getting better slowly. So, I don't have to constantly watch her, help her up the stairs, etc. But it'd still be nice to know what caused it, if only to know that it wont come back. I'll see you all ingame soon. I plan on getting on today, maybe catching up a bit.

Busy week coming up. IG, Re-enlistment, followup appointments with my wife, but I should be able to manage all that better than working 0600-2200 AND ER visits that take 9

Re: My current absence

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:59 pm
by Osar
Well that's good to hear, hope things start improving for you soon. Take care and gl with every thing and will see you ingame soon.