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Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:22 pm
by Osar
Forgive the title to this topic, but I needed your attention. In the RID Discussion thread, Rafen has made a geniuen complaint about Chiquita and how he helps others. I know that Chiquita has helped me on a few occasions, but I believe that is becaue of all the help I gave him back in SWG. I know that the story line for each profession is a solo job, but the thing is not everyone is that good. I have dealt with some of the remarks Rafen is complaining about, but then again I use to almost always solo everything in SWG as a commando because of it being an Over Powered profession.

Here is where I stand:
1. Yes there is some vaildation to Chiquita's comments, but not to the extent of where it be littles some one.
2. Does he give the demeanor that he is mean when he says what he (Chiquita) does? Yes
3. Is he really like that? IMO no, but I learned one thing from the military, it's the apperance of, rather than what you actually see.

What do we say or do? I see where Rafen and some others might see it as being mean, but what do we say or do that won't be a conflict of interest to us as a whole, rather than in partial and impractical decision.

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:48 am
by Monthigos
I don't really understand the mentality of telling people they need to figure things out on their own. I sort of pride myself at being knowledge about stuff in-game and I'm glad for the opportunity to flex my ego. ;) I can understand where Rafen is coming from as certainly Chiquita and I have had similar interactions where I felt Chiquita was off-put by me asking questions about PvP. I don't blame Rafen - the PvP reward system is a bit of a mess and a little bit confusing; I've certainly read my fair share of forum post to understand how certain game mechanics work. I know we have number of level 50's in the guild but most of them don't seem to be too interested in interacting with the lower levels. I myself have assisted many of the guild members in various fashions but mostly because I enjoy it and I feel it is part of being a good officer. I think the best case in this scenario is to very gently remind the guild members about having a friendly atmosphere while playing and to avoid being rude to each other unless it's just some friendly banter / trash talk. I'm sure this issue can be resolved without any drastic measures, and ideally the best thing to do is have Chiquita and Rafen work this issue out on their own. I'm not sure the best way to go about that though...ideas?

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:53 am
by Lexx Yovel
It does seem Chiquita comes across as a little elitist.

For as long as the game has been out, it's not exactly fair to tell someone to "figure out their things on their own." In a guild, people are supposed to help each other out. Not to mention the game still has many kinks, and it's not exactly easy to find info on the SWTOR forums due to a lack of a search function. And it's not like everyone is an MMO guru. There's still tons I don't know about this game. Right now I'm just trying to work on levelling up as best I can.

Rafen's definitely right to be irritated I think. Was Chiquita acting extremely rude though? I don't necessarily think so. But Apium/Aeroxis, another Level 50, told me that he'd be leaving RID to join a more serious raiding guild once his friends got to 50. I sort of get the feeling that Chiquita could jump ship as well, especially seeing as how he didn't want to be an officer (He declined because he said the position was cursed. Last time he accepted the position in SWG, he said his house burned down. Not sure if he was being serious or just using that as some bizarre excuse lol).

So the way I see it, it's not necessary to boot Chiquita or anything like that. If Chiquita is going to leave on his own accord, then I say I chide him about not being helpful to lower levelled/less experienced members. If he's not happy with what I'm saying, then we'll just let the chips fall where they may.

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:57 pm
by Osar
I agree with both of you, but we need to put out there some how that not everyone is a MMO guru like Lexx said and send out a message that the lvl 50's out there need to be more helpful to those who aren't there yet. Even though I am lvl 42, I still hold myself to the stand I would as any lvl 50. That being said, I honestly think that all the current ELITE (l33t) guys who think themselves as much will be jumping soon as Lexx said. So this is my idea of doing something to rid RID of this l33t mentality:

1. Remind everyone in RID that this is a friendly guild for all LEVELS of play.
2. We help each other no matter how annoying it may be to us, and it helps us learn who we as RID are as well.
3. No one is above anyone no matter their lvl or guild status, Council Memebers and Leader, as well as lvl 50s are servants (HELPERS) of the guild not the masters/slave drivers.

That last one should be the mentality of the whole guild and should be used, not abused as some will try. This may cause those like Chiquita to jump early, but the l33t mentality IMO is not what a guild is suppose to be about. Heck in RMNTS we was considered a l33t heroics guild with the few we had, but it was because we based our guild on my last point. Any ideas how we do this?

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:44 pm
by Monthigos
I think the best thing to do is to keep reinforcing the idea. It would be nice to get some people out to the forums occassional but I realize that can't always be helped. I have the same mentality as you Osar...I consider myself more of a servant to the guild and I will try to help whereever possible. Even doing lower level stuff I get a chance to learn new things and I get to know guild members better which is always a plus in my book. I want people to think of RID as a safe haven from all the garbage out there on the server.

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:12 am
by Monthigos
"Hey I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to see you and Kach go. I understand there's been some tension in the guild and for that I apologize. I've been abreast of the situation and I'm sorry that it escalated to the point that you did not feel comfortable being in the guild.

Know that you always have friends in RID and we hope that you have the best of luck in your future endeavors. Please feel free to call on us if you require our assistance in the future."

I wrote this e-mail to chiquita in hopes that he would not talk bad about us. I know that we probably don't feel he is deserving of such a response, but I'd rather not have some level 50's smearing RID's name when I feel that we haven't done anything wrong. I think it's safe to say that he intended on leaving and begging him to come back into the guild would probably not help. There are several people in the guild who don't want him around so this probably the best possible outcome at this point.

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:25 am
by Osar
After seeing his response, I agree 100% with you Monthris. I have not told anyone this (until I told you tonight in game), I loaned Chiquita a 50 million credit suit of armor in SWG. Capped BH armor, with SEA's (Skill Enhancing Attachments). It's stats was 7.6k Kinetic, 5.6k Energy, 5.4k Acid, Electiric, Cold, Heat...+35 to Block Value, Strength, and Precision...Extoics were Block Chance 8, HW crit hit 4, HW damage 3...that right there was what we called a killer block suit for commandos. I know what he is saying, but it's wrong the way he is saying it. You come to them and say ok, you asked for this what could be done to make it easier for you? That's how they learn, I know, I had to teach the hardest classes in the Army, Radios! No one ever understood them, as simple as they where, no one ever grabbed the concept of them, so that's how I know Chiquita is wrong in what he is saying in that we are being spoon fed.

Re: Rafen vs Chiquita

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:15 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah, I've learned in SWG that word can travel fast, and it's easy for a disgruntled ex-member to spread bad information about a guild, even if it's completely untrue.

I appreciate that you wrote a good farewell letter to Chiquita. Frankly, I'm rather relieved he just chose to leave. Now we can move forward, and use this as a lesson to better gauge what sort of members we want for RID.