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SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:21 pm
by Aleemah
Honestly guys... why? Why quit the game several months ahead of time? Oh sure, everything you do at this point will be lost when the game shuts down, but still... Its only July 15th as of today. The game is shut down December 15th. Thats half a year. Still more than plenty of time to enjoy everything you would want to in this game.

I apologize for being a little harsh here but, honestly? If you are quitting the game now, you are just being an idiot. Plain and simple.

After December 15th, you'll never be able to play a game like this again, so enjoy this one while you still have half a year to do so.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:33 am
by Lexx Yovel
I'm still there! Just haven't been able to get on much lately due to my schedule.

However, I do agree. We should all be playing this game together untill the end... to have fun, because that's what games are all about -- to have fun.

And if we have nearly half a year to still play it, why not do so together as a guild? After all, we won't have a chance to play such a unique and historical MMO again.

Well, I wouldn't worry too much Aleemah. I'll push for further attendance on Saturday events, and be there myself. We still got some potential recruits lined up, and I'm sure when we near the final months of SWG, people will start to come back to play out it's final months.

We still have peeps like you, me, Osar, Erizo, and several others still playing about. I'll see if I can do some convincing to the others! =

But out of curiosity, are these final months made free now by SOE?

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:13 pm
by Osar
Well I hope so, but either way it goes, I will be here til the end. Just been on later lately because of my Birthday, and here in GA, everything revolves around that day. Car Tax/Tag, Driver Liciences(of course that's every where), and other odds and ends that come with that.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:24 pm
by Aleemah
Couldn't have said it better myself, Lexx. And yes, come September, it becomes free (If your account is active and "in good standing" aka not banned).

I'm staying until the end. Besides, I've wanted to fly a TIE Defender in SWG since months before Jump to Lightspeed even came out. With GCW2 bringing exactly that to the table, I couldn't quit even if I wanted to.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:44 pm
by Lexx Yovel
It also seems there working on a (perhaps somewhat buggy) version of atmospheric flight.

That'd be cool.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:04 am
by Saurat Seerdon
I still can't believe they're just going to pull the plug.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:25 pm
by Aleemah
I can't either. But a lot of people thought the game would have the plug pulled a few years back, when SOE shot themselves in the leg with the NGE. Honestly, we can only hope that Bioware decides to be greedy, and start poaching employees from the old SWG team from Sony. Have them bring in some of their ideas, some of the better ideas they had for SWG (SPAAAACE...), and integrate them into SWTOR. Bring the best parts of SWG (SPAAAACE...) into SWTOR.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:58 pm
by Mr.Avatar
Sorry, i had issues with car and what not, then this month been busy. But I hope to be back on soon,

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:47 pm
by Osar
Mr.Avatar wrote:Sorry, i had issues with car and what not, then this month been busy. But I hope to be back on soon,

Excuses, excuses!!! They are like butt holes, everybody has one!!!!!!

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:11 pm
by DelvanVellar
Well, personally, I was very frustrated when I found out that the game was going to be shut down permanently. Frustrated enough that I was actually mad. I know I should not have felt that about a game, but considering all of the people that I had met that I would lose track of, and what I felt was a vital part of the game that no other had (the huge crafting element), well, we will just leave it that I was upset. However, I am not sure that I would have even had time lately to play anyways. My wife and I have been really busy as of lately and financially things have been a little rough, mainly cause I'm trying to put her through graduate school so she can be the sugar-momma, hehe

Anyways, come the end of August, I may play some more, but once it comes to real life, I will be swapping to The Old Republic (already applied to the guild there). I've already even pre-ordered my collector's edition and hope to see everyone there.

I'll probably also be around the boards during the day, so I'll be randomly dropping by :)

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:06 am
by artimaes
Personally, I am not going to be playing to enjoy it anymore. I'm going to be playing it to get screenshots. Videos too, but mostly screenshots. There's no reason not to get some nostalgia to take with you in the time we have left. My avatar on forums for every other game I play(as long as they allow me to upload one) is going to be from SWG now. I'd like to get some footage of the guild doing a "handoff" that I can cut and splice with some footage from SWTOR when we get access to that so it looks like our characters here hand the guild off to our new characters. Never forget the past, always keep the screenshots!

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:45 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Hi Artimaes. I guess great minds think alike!

Though I still wish to enjoy the game to its fullest with this wonderful guild, I too have grown concerned that the environment that we've been playing in so long will be forgotten.

So I'm taking loooots of screenshots and fraps videos. I plan on putting together videos of each planet's scenery and uploading them online, in addition to the RID and Starsider tribute video. May as well use this time to preserve what memories we can.

Re: SWG Shutting in December. Why are people quitting early?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:59 am
by scuttlemonkey
Ahhhh, home again!

Been traveling lots, but I hope to be in game more now. If nothing else my ship is tweaked and ready for endgame. :)