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Ship Outfitting

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:53 pm
by scuttlemonkey
In case anyone is curious, can offer suggestions, or would like to potentially steal my templates...I am providing a link to my ship outfitting doc.

Keep in mind these are definitely works in progress as I accumulate pieces to RE and resources to upgrade. The only one that is even remotely acceptable is the JSF, and even that is maybe a secondary or tertiary loadout relative to most. Just wanted to see if I could spark a bit of discussion. Shout if you have anything to add or info I can assist with.

Re: Ship Outfitting

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:10 pm
by scuttlemonkey
In that same vein I also have a catalogue of current RE parts...not very many at present since I'm burning through them pretty quick for upgrades and what not. Shout if you see something you need.