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Fort Nar Shadda City Restructure Guide

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:16 pm
by Moche
Here is what i got so far.


This still gives us plenty of room to add factories in the city and everything else.

If anyone else has a better idea go here and help plan it!

Design 2


Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:20 pm
by Daiho
And what do you think about that?


Another option

In this one the shuttle is in the middle of the city to be fair with each citizens.



28 small houses
12 medium houses
21 large houses
4 guild halls


34 small houses
12 medium houses
21 large houses
4 guild halls

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:24 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
I like the second option better. I'm all for anything that creates a sort of "courtyard" area in the center of the city (with gardens in the center and civic structures or similar housing surrounding the center).

Originally, I had the city hall at one end and a Cantina at the other with six gardens in between (four with trees and two with the gungan statues). There were small Naboo houses lining the east and west perimeters.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:33 pm
by Erougn
Both are excellent designs.

/Thumbs up

I like Moche's Musty bunker area on the North sayid.

I like Daiho's "mallish" downtown. The shuttle on the other end of the gardens is the win imho.

The rest of the street layouts are pretty much functional.

Nice work guys :-)

nar shadda schem

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:42 pm
by decra sikor
id have to go with the second schem. while the first is very well thought out. it seems like its still to crowded, and the second is a little spread out more...... good work both of you.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:48 pm
by Moche
Daiho and I will be making changes to the maps we have already based on the input of our fellow guild mates and residents! So please leave plenty of criticism, good, bad, or ugly!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:00 pm
by Daiho

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:02 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Nice to see you guys doing some city planning :D

All of those are pretty good concepts, though I'd need some time to think about which one s my favorite. Perhaps I can help put together a map concept too.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:04 pm
by Daiho
LexxYovel wrote:Perhaps I can help put together a map concept too.

Yeah it would be appreciate if you help us with your ideas :) The only thing I wanna keep in place is the city hall and the 6 gardens infront of it. The rest is yours.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:31 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Before this goes any further, I highly suggest labeling these so we don't get confused as to which layout we're talking about.

I like your latest layout (Daiho). With the six gardens and shuttle in front of city hall. I think my only concern about it (and this is just my personal opinion) are how the houses are laid out. I've always been about laying out more defined streets. Perhaps change the layout of the small houses so that they run parallel with the main courtyard area (gardens, shuttle, banks) as opposed to perpendicular. This way you could have a main street/avenue running perpendicular with the front of city hall (and already established by the way your mediums are lined up) and run side streets perpendicular to that main avenue where your small houses go. Kind of how I originally setup Nar Shadda.

I think the other issue you are gonna run into with this last layout (the one I like the most) is the terrain. I'm assuming the city hall has never been demolished and replaced, so with that your builadble land is constrained (since the whole city sits in a valley with a river to the west and hill to the far east). I think in place of the southern garden and theater is where a cantina or guild hall should be placed (or another civic structure like clone facility). Given the hill and that you will probably orient the structure with the front facing the courtyard area, and entrance will be elevated. You can do this with a cantina so that the ramp never doubles back upon itself (sorry, i'm a stickler for easy access to buildings). I think you can do the same with a guild hall (I always preferred a Naboo theme, but I realize a Tat style guild hall would fit better). I think the large garden there would be elevated beyond its stairs and would look funny.

I did notice you came to the same conclusion I did a long time ago, that the hill behind the city hall is the best place to stick Musty bunkers... lol

I'm going to try and dig up pictures of the city before I left the game. If anything, they give a good idea of spacing between the front of the city hall and the hill across from it.

Edit: Apparently, I never took any good pictures of the courtyard area I built... damn...

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:08 pm
by Bovive
The Czerka Vaults are outside of the city limits by a good ways. I prefer that they stay there. In fact, I cannot move any Czerka structures, they are owned to accounts I am not subbing atm. Also people save the WP to our shop and frequent it so I'm not willing to change it up again. The layouts do look nice, but you'll probably have to wait for some houses to be packed up after the 90 days which will include some of my alts houses that i no longer sub.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:36 pm
by Daiho
Here's my 3 designs. I think the third will be better than the 2 others for the reasons that Kurke said.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:10 pm
by Arev
Hey, just an FYI, but I counted the number of Shuttleports on Dantooine. There are 21 total (supposed to be capped at 20). Apparently, the abnormality is from a de-Ranked 3 still retaining their shuttleport.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:09 am
by Bovive
Hope Reborn justlost their shuttleport. I currently count 18 on the map.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:10 am
by Bovive
Arev wrote:Hey, just an FYI, but I counted the number of Shuttleports on Dantooine. There are 21 total (supposed to be capped at 20). Apparently, the abnormality is from a de-Ranked 3 still retaining their shuttleport.

I was told that they maintain the ability to travel there for 1 week however the shuttleport is not actually there. That is how Hope Reborn is acting right now.