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Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 9:02 pm
by Lexx Yovel

"RID that Rebel scum!"

Greetings citizens of Starsider:

On November 23rd, 2003, the Regal Imperial Defenders were born! Despite being over seven years old, we are still striving to accomplish new and exciting goals. We can be found fighting Rebel forces, both on the ground and in space. Yet, we do not limit ourselves to what we can accomplish. We also work on community events, and the recruitment of traders to promote our commercial success. More importantly, we promote an environment where members are friendly, helpful, and easy-going, and we want YOU to be a part of that!

Less than a month after R.I.D was born, we established our capital on Tatooine, a metropolis named Fort Oasis. Ever since then, Fort Oasis has grown into the thriving Imperial fortress it is today. Located west of Mos Espa, Fort Oasis borders the Imperial Oasis, a unique location where you can find one of the few bodies of water on Tatooine. This oasis is the birthplace of R.I.D, and is virtually within the confines of Fort Oasis itself. Like many other cities, Fort Oasis has a number of important venues, including a shuttleport, commercial center (with vendors and crafting stations), local shops, a cantina, medical center, cloning center, Imperial installations, and more. Most of all, Fort Oasis is what many members of R.I.D call home. Join R.I.D, and you can be a citizen too!

We also affiliate with a number of other cities, so if the desert is not your sort of place, we have a piece of real-estate for you.


As an organization, our primary goal is to, "Assist the Galactic Empire in its desire for galactic supremacy, by offering combat assistance, and facilitating ties with other Imperial organization." Simply put, R.I.D's primary goal is to participate in the Galactic Civil War by working with allies to help take over as many worlds as possible, particularly in the outer-rim (Tatooine & Lok), as well as the mid-rim (Naboo & Rori).

R.I.D will also help members in other important objectives, such as leveling up, and assisting with quests, among other things. We will also perform heroic encounters to help members gain necessary equipment, yet this is not our primary focus. Our primary focus is involvement in the Galactic Civil War, using various means (Invasions, Battlefields, Bases, Space Control, and Regional Control, both through PvP and PvE).

As for R.I.D, our Leadership structure is a simple hierarchy. At the top is myself, the Leader (Lexx Yovel), followed by an Executive Council staffed by four members. The Council is able to recruit members, and every member in R.I.D has the ability to send guild-wide mails.


Though we do not have an age requirement, we do require that each and every one of our members is mature and respectful. Each member must bear the name of R.I.D accordingly, and remember that their actions will reflect upon the entire organization of R.I.D. Our most important rule is simply: Treat others with respect!

Our full set of rules can be found in our Regal Constitution. Many of these rules are non-priority, and can be read in your free time. However, it is very important for members to note the rule that states, "BOUNTY HUNTING FELLOW IMPERIALS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED (AND) WILL BE MET WITH IMMEDIATE REMOVAL (FROM R.I.D)."

If interested in joining R.I.D, you must follow a simple three part process, discussed in more detail HERE.




NOTE: In the event Lexx Yovel cannot be reached, secondary contacts are availabled. Recommended secondary contacts include the members of the Executive Council. Hel'mut Yovel is also the alternate character of Lexx Yovel. The application must be filled prior to recruitment. Not all recruits are guaranteed access into R.I.D, even following the completion of an application or interview. Citizenship in Fort Oasis or our affiliates is not required, but encouraged.