A SWG Epic

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Moderator:Lexx Yovel

A SWG Epic

Post by CerexHendrix » Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:48 pm


Lexx Yovel
Cerex Hendrix

Scene: Imperials hold naboo tightly. The rebels have no way of entering naboo without immediate attack of 10 Star Destroyers. However, through bothan smuggling routes, a whole regiment had landed on a small island off of the North Coast of Naboo. The Imperials, in preparation for an attack had established bases along the North Coast and were prepared at all times. However, one night, RID hosted a party on thier home planet of Tatooine and left the North Coast of Naboo deserted. As soon as they heard word from TIO that the rebels were within 4km of the North Coast coming in through V-38, all imperials were ordered to line up the defense. The Imperials made it there and saw nothing in the horizon. Seconds later V-38's carrying rebel soldiers appeared everywhere.

Cerex: Snipers at the ready!!!!
Erich: Aye captain.
Lexx: Im the leader Cerex.
Cerex: Oh yea, sorry.
Lexx: Snipers at the ready.
The V-38s are coming closer
Phow-jin: Holy crap, look up.
Out of thin 5 Y-wings appear and lay tons of bombs on the imperials below.
Gesro: Take cover dammit.
The team dodges into a trench, unfortunatley other imperial squads such as ISF and SHBF had a number of casulties.
Lexx: Phow-jin, take your team to the shore, get ready for hand-hand combat. Call in Grutch too to assist you.
Phow-jin: Aye sir.
Lexx: Cerex get on the channel. We need rocket launchers right now and air support.
Cerex: Got it capt.
Cerex and Phow-jin seperate in different directions.
Kyubi: 200 meters and closing, rifle range in 30 seconds.
Cerex comes back with Octaviar.
Octaviar: We got air support on the way, they dont stand a chance.
Lexx: Good, this seems troubling, they seem to outnumber us being we have almost all the imperials here at the ready.
Octaviar: I see, this troubles me too, we must fight hard.
Lexx: Alright get your riflemen ready, we got to get these guys before they get to shore.
Octaviar: No problemo.
Kyubi: Firing range now!!!!
Lexx: Riflemen at the ready. Fire!!!!
Hundreds of rifles go off and many V-38s are sunk immediatley and rebels are seen trying to get on shore.
Phow-jin(radoeing in): we got at least 30 men here ready for when they come on shore.
Lexx(radoeing back): good, good luck phow.
10 seconds later at least 30 full V-38's had dodge rifle fire and made it on the shore.
Leviathan: Where is air support!!!!?
Cerex: Look up!
TIE Fighters screech in from the sky and blast at least 10 V-38's and take out a landspeeder coming in as well.
Kurke: We got them on the beach there is no way they can get up here.
Lexx: Good, Yjdeg, get some NoS jedi and slaughter them as they land on the beach, show no mercy.
Yjdeg: Gotcha, sir.
Lexx: Genos get Bizob on the line.
Genos: Alright, got him, here he is.
Lexx: Bizob, whats the status on the East end of the beach.
Bizob: We are getting slaughtered......we need..commando support...we are falling back....too many rebs here.
Lexx: Reinforcements on the way. Cerex gather a team of commandos and report to the east beach now.
Cerex: Aye.
Cerex takes a team of 15 elite commandos and leads them to aid Bizob.
Si'dhol: The west end is under Rebel control. We might be able to hold the North end for a little while longer. We need jedi there immediatley.
Lexx: Ill radio in DS, we should have the west end back in no time.
Erich': Enemy x-wings approaching.
6 X-wings approach and lock on to the small tent Lexx is in. Almost immeditley, BS-IV's squadron with En-ki(Rid) take out the X-Wings.
En-Ki(radoeing in): Not gonna let em take you Captain Yovel.
Lexx(radoeing back): Heh, go get em, the west end needs air support right away.
Cerex: We need to take out those scums if we wanna get to the beach.
Waucod: Ya think?
Cerex: Shut-up Waucod I'm in command of this squad.
Waucod:Yeah but I'm second in command so if you die I'm in charge
Cerex:Just shut-up and open fire
Waucod then primes a grenade and lobes at the rebel troops and 4 of them go flying seconds later. Kurke another one of the commandos mows down 3 rebels with his Laser Rifle. Then Cerex steps from behind the rock and shoots a couple of the remaining forces.
Telemchus:Good shooting Cerex but I bet I'm better
Then Telemchus jumps out ignites his shining blue lightsaber and finishes off the remaining troops almost immediatly.
Waucod: Tele wins
Bizob(radioing in): Hey guys thats nice but we need you over here.
Cerex: right we'll be right there
Meanwhile on the North Coast Lexx and his men are being over run by the rebel forces.
Lexx: We need more air support now!
En-Ki: We're all that their is
Lexx: Then take out as many of their ground forces as possible.
En-Ki: Aye sir
Lexx: Phow-jin whats your staus?
Phow-jin: The enemyy is falling back; down here I think we've won our part
Lexx: Good we've lost contact with our commandos and Telemchus has gone missing see if you can find them.
Phow-jin: Aye sir
Phow-jin and his squad then go up the beahc and down the route that the commandos took, the 15 of them seemed more important then just Telemchus even if he was a Jedi they were elite commandos. Meanwhile the commandos arrived at the east end of the beach and were awestruck at the sight.
Waucod: What happened here all thats here is dead bodies both Rebels and Imp-
Waucod never finished that sentence because at that moment he noticed something on the battlefield then he rushed over to the near dead bizob.
Waucod: We need a medic!
Gesro a commando that had skills in the medical field rushed over over.
Gesro: Hes badly injured, but he might make it if we get him to a hospital soon.
Cerex: Okay then Waucod you, Gesro, Leviathen, Ghettofield, and Kurke stay here and search for more survivors preferably Imperial survivors but take prisoners if you find any. Me and the rest of the squad will head back to main camp.
Waucod: Aye sir.
Cerex and his squad constructed a stretcher using pieces that they carried. two of the men then put Bizob on it and carried him off.
Waucod: Well lets get started
After hours of searching they had found a few severly wounded Imperials and took a couple prisoners.

Cerex and his men were moving at a rapid pace so they could get Bizob to a hospital, wjen started hearing things.
Telechmus: What was that?
Cerex: What
Telechmus: That
Cerex: I still don't hear it
Telechmus: Get down; I saw something, I'll go check it out.
Telechmus then ran off pulled his lightsaber from his belt
Telemchus: There they are I can take them.
He then hid behind rock until they got there then he ignited his lightsaber jumped and saw the faces of the men.
Phow-jin: What the?
Telemchus: Phow-jin I thought you were on the northern coast.
Phow-jin: we already won theat we came to look for you and the commandos.
Telemchus: well I'm with the commandos we found the battle site
Phow-jin: and...
Telemchus: Everyone was dead or critically injured we were to late
Phow-jin: What about Bizob?
Telemchus: We've got him on a stretcher back there we need to get him to a hospital.
Phow-jin: Then lets go.
As Phow-jin Cerex and their men headed for their main camp Waucod and his squad set up camp at the east coast of the beach.
Leviathen: I don't like the idea of sitting here.
Gesro: Why not at least we are not on the front lines getting killed.
Leviathen: But we could get ambushed over here.
Gesro: they're not gonna come here.
Waucod: Why wouldn't they? I mean they loose contact with a battalion their gonna wanna find out what happened.
Gesro: So what do you guy propose we do?
Waucod: Get in some sort of hiding place wait and when they get here bam we make our move.
Kurke: Or we could contact HQ
Leviathen: I've already tried we've been jammed.
Waucod: Looks like we're playing the waiting game.
While all of this happens The other groups head toward HQ and arrive without further delays.But when they arrived they saw dead bodies everywhere.Then they went to lexx's tent to report.
Lexx: Status men
Cerex: My squad has no casulties but the squad on the east coast didn't fair is well
At that moment the two commandos walked in with Bizob on the stretcher.
Cerex: Bizob was the only one of our men concious so we took him back here for treatment.
Lexx: And the rest of your squad...
Cerex: On the east coast of the island taking prisoners and looking for more of our survivors.
Cerex: Waucod, call in En-ki's squad of TIE Fighters. I want a bombardment of the East Coast before we attack.
Waucod: Im on it captain.
Lexx: Cerex, once air support has bombarded the east coast, I want you to take your men down there and get control.
Cerex: Aye, Waucod, hows it going?
Waucod: Great sir, En-ki has got a squad of 20 coming down, should take out at least half of their army there.
Cerex: Great, Gesro, get everyone moving towards the east coast.
Lexx: Good luck, everyone.
Squad: Thanks Captain.
Cerex takes his squad down to the east coast, only running into a few hostilities. When the squad reaches a hill where they can see the rebel army there preparing to move inland, they find 16 anti aircraft guns.
Leviathan: Holy smoke, that'll take out the whole squadron before they can get within a mile.
Cerex: Waucod, call the bombardment off immediatley.
Waucod: We're jammed, damnit!
Cerex: great...........

En-ki: Blue Squad, is that Anti-aircraft missile launchers down there?
Hris: Defintley not, rebels could never sneak one of those in there.
En-ki: Alright, commence bombardment, oh holy shit, get the hell out of there now, anti-air missiles approaching.
Hris:Get out, Get out!!!!!
Missiles come springing up from the ground and collide with some TIE fighters
En-ki: How many did we lose?
Hris: A good many, lets get our asses out of here, Star Destroyer is under attack up in space, and I'd rather die dogfighting
En-ki: Alright, up we go, Blue Squadron, follow me.

On the ground....
Cerex: Dammit, we cant get a bombardment. Leviathen and Gesro, assemble your team and get as many rocket launchers as possible.
Leviathen: Aye.
10 minutes later, Leviathen and Gesro come with at least 20 commandos armed with rocket laucnhers and napalm.
Cerex: Waucod, take control here. Im going down with my riflemen to get into some dirty fighting down there. When I fire the first shot, fire all rocket launchers at the enemy, got me?
Waucod: Aye sir, good luck.
Cerex: Team, follow me.
Cerex runs down, aims his T-21 Rifle and fires the first shot at an unaware rebel cadet.
Waucod: Fire!!!!!!
20 rockets lauch from the launchers and slowly move towards the regiment of rebels. As they blow up, bodies fly everywhere, and Cerex's team commences fire....
Meanwhile on a dark and distant world, Darla-Prime secretly puts closure to a deal that will significantly alter the fate of billions.....

The room is completely black except the dark silhouette of Darla-Prime and the blue holographic image of a tall, smooth-skinned Falleen male, with his hair in a ponytail, and dressed in luxurious robes.

Darla-Prime: Yes Lord Xizor. Everything is going as we had hoped. Construction has begun on Skyhook and Omega Station. The Rebels suspect nothing of our plans, and when they do comes to terms, they will be ill-prepared.
Prince Xizor: Excellent work Ms. Prime. Your allegiance is proving quite useful. I'm sending my lieutenant, Guri, to insure that there will be no interuptions with our work.
Darla-Prime: Very well...


Over the battlefield, a fleet of stardestroyers exit hyperspace blanketing the sky, bringing darkness to the once brightly lit afternoon. In an instant, large explosions can be heard above. Imperial walker carriers soar out of the stardestroyer hanger bays, making a rough landing in the heated blaster fire.

The carriers side doors split apart, revealing a group of 2 AT-ST's, 5 AT-ST's, and dozens of Imperial Storm Commandos.

Waucod: Direct the walkers to the south, the Rebels seem to be retrating.

Although most Rebels retreated to the south to avoid the onslaught, a few bewilded Rebels attempted to wade back onto the beach, trying to make a quick getaway on one of the sorosub transports. They were quickly eliminated by the storm commandos.

Cerex: Wait! It could be a trap. They may be intercepting with reinforcments.

Nonetheless, the Imperials had the upper hand, and decided to take their chances and head to the south beach. The thousands of Imperials stopped before a high hill, in which hundreds of Rebel reinforcemets loomed over them...

As the Imperial troops stared in awe at the sight of all the Rebels, the Rebel scum started to open fire .

Cerex: Everybody take cover!
Kurke: There are to many of them.
Gesro: Actually we ahve the advantage of numbers.
Cerex: Just shut-up and start shooting.
Waucod: Wow that was fast I'm already overheating.
Cerex: Use you side arm
Waucod: Oh yeah I knew that.

Waucod then pulls out his modified scout pistol and takes out some scum while Kurke and Gesro finish setting up a stationary gun.

Gesro: This should help.

Gesro then mans the gun and unloads on the enemy..

Kurke: What am I supposed to do?
Gesro: Use your imagination

Kurke then runs back to the arsenal tent and emerges a few seconds later with a rocket launcher.

Kurke: Will this work?
Lexx: The AT-AT's are deploying from their carriers.

Last edited by CerexHendrix on Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:58 am, edited 10 times in total.


Post by CerexHendrix » Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:06 pm

come on guys...add on...

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Waucod Meesman
Village Idiot
Joined:Thu May 26, 2005 11:19 am
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:35 pm

I'll do what I can.

Lexx Yovel
Cerex Hendrix
Waucod Meesman

Scene: Imperials hold naboo tightly. The rebels have no way of entering naboo without immediate attack of 10 Star Destroyers. However, through bothan smuggling routes, a whole regiment had landed on a small island off of the North Coast of Naboo. The Imperials, in preparation for an attack had established bases along the North Coast and were prepared at all times. However, one night, RID hosted a party on thier home planet of Tatooine and left the North Coast of Naboo deserted. As soon as they heard word from TIO that the rebels were within 4km of the North Coast coming in through V-38, all imperials were ordered to line up the defense. The Imperials made it there and saw nothing in the horizon. Seconds later V-38's carrying rebel soldiers appeared everywhere.

Cerex: Snipers at the ready!!!!
Erich: Aye captain.
Lexx: Im the leader Cerex.
Cerex: Oh yea, sorry.
Lexx: Snipers at the ready.
The V-38s are coming closer
Phow-jin: Holy crap, look up.
Out of thin 5 Y-wings appear and lay tons of bombs on the imperials below.
Gesro: Take cover dammit.
The team dodges into a trench, unfortunatley other imperial squads such as ISF and SHBF had a number of casulties.
Lexx: Phow-jin, take your team to the shore, get ready for hand-hand combat. Call in Grutch too to assist you.
Phow-jin: Aye sir.
Lexx: Cerex get on the channel. We need rocket launchers right now and air support.
Cerex: Got it capt.
Cerex and Phow-jin seperate in different directions.
Kyubi: 200 meters and closing, rifle range in 30 seconds.
Cerex comes back with Octaviar.
Octaviar: We got air support on the way, they dont stand a chance.
Lexx: Good, this seems troubling, they seem to outnumber us being we have almost all the imperials here at the ready.
Octaviar: I see, this troubles me too, we must fight hard.
Lexx: Alright get your riflemen ready, we got to get these guys before they get to shore.
Octaviar: No problemo.
Kyubi: Firing range now!!!!
Lexx: Riflemen at the ready. Fire!!!!
Hundreds of rifles go off and many V-38s are sunk immediatley and rebels are seen trying to get on shore.
Phow-jin(radoeing in): we got at least 30 men here ready for when they come on shore.
Lexx(radoeing back): good, good luck phow.
10 seconds later at least 30 full V-38's had dodge rifle fire and made it on the shore.
Leviathan: Where is air support!!!!?
Cerex: Look up!
TIE Fighters screech in from the sky and blast at least 10 V-38's and take out a landspeeder coming in as well.
Kurke: We got them on the beach there is no way they can get up here.
Lexx: Good, Yjdeg, get some NoS jedi and slaughter them as they land on the beach, show no mercy.
Yjdeg: Gotcha, sir.
Lexx: Genos get Bizob on the line.
Genos: Alright, got him, here he is.
Lexx: Bizob, whats the status on the East end of the beach.
Bizob: We are getting slaughtered......we need..commando support...we are falling back....too many rebs here.
Lexx: Reinforcements on the way. Cerex gather a team of commandos and report to the east beach now.
Cerex: Aye.
Cerex takes a team of 15 elite commandos and leads them to aid Bizob.
Si'dhol: The west end is under Rebel control. We might be able to hold the North end for a little while longer. We need jedi there immediatley.
Lexx: Ill radio in DS, we should have the west end back in no time.
Erich': Enemy x-wings approaching.
6 X-wings approach and lock on to the small tent Lexx is in. Almost immeditley, BS-IV's squadron with En-ki(Rid) take out the X-Wings.
En-Ki(radoeing in): Not gonna let em take you Captain Yovel.
Lexx(radoeing back): Heh, go get em, the west end needs air support right away.
As the Commandos head to the east end of the beach they come under fire and take cover behind some rocks from the Alliance soldiers .
Cerex: We need to take out those scums if we wanna get to the beach.
Waucod: Ya think?
Cerex: Shut-up Waucod I'm in command of this squad.
Waucod:Yeah but I'm second in command so if you die I'm in charge
Cerex:Just shut-up and open fire
Waucod then primes a grenade and lobes at the rebel troops and 4 of them go flying seconds later. Kurke another one of the commandos mows down 3 rebels with his Laser Rifle. Then Cerex steps from behind the rock and shoots a couple of the remaining forces.
Telemchus:Good shooting Cerex but I bet I'm better
Then Telemchus jumps out ignites his shining blue lightsaber and finishes off the remaining troops almost immediatly.
Waucod: Tele wins
Bizob(radioing in): Hey guys thats nice but we need you over here.
Cerex: right we'll be right there
Meanwhile on the North Coast Lexx and his men are being over run by the rebel forces.
Lexx: We need more air support now!
En-Ki: We're all that their is
Lexx: Then take out as many of their ground forces as possible.
En-Ki: Aye sir
Lexx: Phow-jin whats your staus?
Phow-jin: The enemyy is falling back; down here I think we've won our part
Lexx: Good we've lost contact with our commandos and Telemchus has gone missing see if you can find them.
Phow-jin: Aye sir
Phow-jin and his squad then go up the beahc and down the route that the commandos took, the 15 of them seemed more important then just Telemchus even if he was a Jedi they were elite commandos. Meanwhile the commandos arrived at the east end of the beach and were awestruck at the sight.
Waucod: What happened here all thats here is dead bodies both Rebels and Imp-
Waucod never finished that sentence because at that moment he noticed something on the battlefield then he rushed over to the near dead bizob.
Waucod: We need a medic!
Gesro a commando that had skills in the medical field rushed over over.
Gesro: Hes badly injured, but he might make it if we get him to a hospital soon.
Cerex: Okay then Waucod you, Gesro, Leviathen, Ghettofield, and Kurke stay here and search for more survivors preferably Imperial survivors but take prisoners if you find any. Me and the rest of the squad will head back to main camp.
Waucod: Aye sir.
Cerex and his squad constructed a stretcher using pieces that they carried. two of the men then put Bizob on it and carried him off.
Waucod: Well lets get started
After hours of searching they had found a few severly wounded Imperials and took a couple prisoners.

Cerex and his men were moving at a rapid pace so they could get Bizob to a hospital, wjen started hearing things.
Telechmus: What was that?
Cerex: What
Telechmus: That
Cerex: I still don't hear it
Telechmus: Get down; I saw something, I'll go check it out.
Telechmus then ran off pulled his lightsaber from his belt
Telemchus: There they are I can take them.
He then hid behind rock until they got there then he ignited his lightsaber jumped and saw the faces of the men.
Phow-jin: What the?
Telemchus: Phow-jin I thought you were on the northern coast.
Phow-jin: we already won theat we came to look for you and the commandos.
Telemchus: well I'm with the commandos we found the battle site
Phow-jin: and...
Telemchus: Everyone was dead or critically injured we were to late
Phow-jin: What about Bizob?
Telemchus: We've got him on a stretcher back there we need to get him to a hospital.
Phow-jin: Then lets go.
Some one elses turn.
Last edited by Waucod Meesman on Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Santos » Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:45 pm

Last edited by Santos on Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:46 pm

Some one do it!!!!!!!!! I wanna see some interesting ideas

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:30 pm

Cerex, that's a good story :)

I'll try to write somthing up, but in the meantime keep it going :wink:

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:30 pm

Since no one has posted and I'm eager to see more here we go.
Lexx Yovel
Cerex Hendrix
Waucod Meesman

Scene: Imperials hold naboo tightly. The rebels have no way of entering naboo without immediate attack of 10 Star Destroyers. However, through bothan smuggling routes, a whole regiment had landed on a small island off of the North Coast of Naboo. The Imperials, in preparation for an attack had established bases along the North Coast and were prepared at all times. However, one night, RID hosted a party on thier home planet of Tatooine and left the North Coast of Naboo deserted. As soon as they heard word from TIO that the rebels were within 4km of the North Coast coming in through V-38, all imperials were ordered to line up the defense. The Imperials made it there and saw nothing in the horizon. Seconds later V-38's carrying rebel soldiers appeared everywhere.

Cerex: Snipers at the ready!!!!
Erich: Aye captain.
Lexx: Im the leader Cerex.
Cerex: Oh yea, sorry.
Lexx: Snipers at the ready.
The V-38s are coming closer
Phow-jin: Holy crap, look up.
Out of thin 5 Y-wings appear and lay tons of bombs on the imperials below.
Gesro: Take cover dammit.
The team dodges into a trench, unfortunatley other imperial squads such as ISF and SHBF had a number of casulties.
Lexx: Phow-jin, take your team to the shore, get ready for hand-hand combat. Call in Grutch too to assist you.
Phow-jin: Aye sir.
Lexx: Cerex get on the channel. We need rocket launchers right now and air support.
Cerex: Got it capt.
Cerex and Phow-jin seperate in different directions.
Kyubi: 200 meters and closing, rifle range in 30 seconds.
Cerex comes back with Octaviar.
Octaviar: We got air support on the way, they dont stand a chance.
Lexx: Good, this seems troubling, they seem to outnumber us being we have almost all the imperials here at the ready.
Octaviar: I see, this troubles me too, we must fight hard.
Lexx: Alright get your riflemen ready, we got to get these guys before they get to shore.
Octaviar: No problemo.
Kyubi: Firing range now!!!!
Lexx: Riflemen at the ready. Fire!!!!
Hundreds of rifles go off and many V-38s are sunk immediatley and rebels are seen trying to get on shore.
Phow-jin(radoeing in): we got at least 30 men here ready for when they come on shore.
Lexx(radoeing back): good, good luck phow.
10 seconds later at least 30 full V-38's had dodge rifle fire and made it on the shore.
Leviathan: Where is air support!!!!?
Cerex: Look up!
TIE Fighters screech in from the sky and blast at least 10 V-38's and take out a landspeeder coming in as well.
Kurke: We got them on the beach there is no way they can get up here.
Lexx: Good, Yjdeg, get some NoS jedi and slaughter them as they land on the beach, show no mercy.
Yjdeg: Gotcha, sir.
Lexx: Genos get Bizob on the line.
Genos: Alright, got him, here he is.
Lexx: Bizob, whats the status on the East end of the beach.
Bizob: We are getting slaughtered......we need..commando support...we are falling back....too many rebs here.
Lexx: Reinforcements on the way. Cerex gather a team of commandos and report to the east beach now.
Cerex: Aye.
Cerex takes a team of 15 elite commandos and leads them to aid Bizob.
Si'dhol: The west end is under Rebel control. We might be able to hold the North end for a little while longer. We need jedi there immediatley.
Lexx: Ill radio in DS, we should have the west end back in no time.
Erich': Enemy x-wings approaching.
6 X-wings approach and lock on to the small tent Lexx is in. Almost immeditley, BS-IV's squadron with En-ki(Rid) take out the X-Wings.
En-Ki(radoeing in): Not gonna let em take you Captain Yovel.
Lexx(radoeing back): Heh, go get em, the west end needs air support right away.
As the Commandos head to the east end of the beach they come under fire and take cover behind some rocks from the Alliance soldiers .
Cerex: We need to take out those scums if we wanna get to the beach.
Waucod: Ya think?
Cerex: Shut-up Waucod I'm in command of this squad.
Waucod:Yeah but I'm second in command so if you die I'm in charge
Cerex:Just shut-up and open fire
Waucod then primes a grenade and lobes at the rebel troops and 4 of them go flying seconds later. Kurke another one of the commandos mows down 3 rebels with his Laser Rifle. Then Cerex steps from behind the rock and shoots a couple of the remaining forces.
Telemchus:Good shooting Cerex but I bet I'm better
Then Telemchus jumps out ignites his shining blue lightsaber and finishes off the remaining troops almost immediatly.
Waucod: Tele wins
Bizob(radioing in): Hey guys thats nice but we need you over here.
Cerex: right we'll be right there
Meanwhile on the North Coast Lexx and his men are being over run by the rebel forces.
Lexx: We need more air support now!
En-Ki: We're all that their is
Lexx: Then take out as many of their ground forces as possible.
En-Ki: Aye sir
Lexx: Phow-jin whats your staus?
Phow-jin: The enemyy is falling back; down here I think we've won our part
Lexx: Good we've lost contact with our commandos and Telemchus has gone missing see if you can find them.
Phow-jin: Aye sir
Phow-jin and his squad then go up the beahc and down the route that the commandos took, the 15 of them seemed more important then just Telemchus even if he was a Jedi they were elite commandos. Meanwhile the commandos arrived at the east end of the beach and were awestruck at the sight.
Waucod: What happened here all thats here is dead bodies both Rebels and Imp-
Waucod never finished that sentence because at that moment he noticed something on the battlefield then he rushed over to the near dead bizob.
Waucod: We need a medic!
Gesro a commando that had skills in the medical field rushed over over.
Gesro: Hes badly injured, but he might make it if we get him to a hospital soon.
Cerex: Okay then Waucod you, Gesro, Leviathen, Ghettofield, and Kurke stay here and search for more survivors preferably Imperial survivors but take prisoners if you find any. Me and the rest of the squad will head back to main camp.
Waucod: Aye sir.
Cerex and his squad constructed a stretcher using pieces that they carried. two of the men then put Bizob on it and carried him off.
Waucod: Well lets get started
After hours of searching they had found a few severly wounded Imperials and took a couple prisoners.

Cerex and his men were moving at a rapid pace so they could get Bizob to a hospital, when started hearing things.
Telechmus: What was that?
Cerex: What
Telechmus: That
Cerex: I still don't hear it
Telechmus: Get down; I saw something, I'll go check it out.
Telechmus then ran off pulled his lightsaber from his belt
Telemchus: There they are I can take them.
He then hid behind rock until they got there then he ignited his lightsaber jumped and saw the faces of the men.
Phow-jin: What the?
Telemchus: Phow-jin I thought you were on the northern coast.
Phow-jin: we already won theat we came to look for you and the commandos.
Telemchus: well I'm with the commandos we found the battle site
Phow-jin: and...
Telemchus: Everyone was dead or critically injured we were to late
Phow-jin: What about Bizob?
Telemchus: We've got him on a stretcher back there we need to get him to a hospital.
Phow-jin: Then lets go.
As Phow-jin Cerex and their men headed for their main camp Waucod and his squad set up camp at the east coast of the beach.
Leviathen: I don't like the idea of sitting here.
Gesro: Why not at least we are not on the front lines getting killed.
Leviathen: But we could get ambushed over here.
Gesro: they're not gonna come here.
Waucod: Why wouldn't they? I mean they loose contact with a battalion their gonna wanna find out what happened.
Gesro: So what do you guy propose we do?
Waucod: Get in some sort of hiding place wait and when they get here bam we make our move.
Kurke: Or we could contact HQ
Leviathen: I've already tried we've been jammed.
Waucod: Looks like we're playing the waiting game.
While all of this happens The other groups head toward HQ and arrive without further delays.But when they arrived they saw dead bodies everywhere.Then they went to lexx's tent to report.
Lexx: Status men
Cerex: My squad has no casulties but the squad on the east coast didn't fair is well
At that moment the two commandos walked in with Bizob on the stretcher.
Cerex: Bizob was the only one of our men concious so we took him back here for treatment.
Lexx: And the rest of your squad...
Cerex: On the east coast of the island taking prisoners and looking for more of our survivors.

some one elses turn Tele be serious and someone do the raid on the east coast.


Post by CerexHendrix » Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:31 pm

Cerex: Waucod, call in En-ki's squad of TIE Fighters. I want a bombardment of the East Coast before we attack.
Waucod: Im on it captain.
Lexx: Cerex, once air support has bombarded the east coast, I want you to take your men down there and get control.
Cerex: Aye, Waucod, hows it going?
Waucod: Great sir, En-ki has got a squad of 20 coming down, should take out at least half of their army there.
Cerex: Great, Gesro, get everyone moving towards the east coast.
Lexx: Good luck, everyone.
Squad: Thanks Captain.
Cerex takes his squad down to the east coast, only running into a few hostilities. When the squad reaches a hill where they can see the rebel army there preparing to move inland, they find 16 anti aircraft guns.
Leviathan: Holy smoke, that'll take out the whole squadron before they can get within a mile.
Cerex: Waucod, call the bombardment off immediatley.
Waucod: We're jammed, damnit!
Cerex: great...........

so...whos gonna write about the bomardment?

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:42 pm

nice job cerex. someone besides us 2 post on here!

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Post by Leviathen » Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:27 am

I am quite enjoying reading these however I really don't have time to write one of these up. If I do find time I will be sure to add in! (Leviathen is not seeing enough action :D)

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life


Post by CerexHendrix » Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:33 pm


En-ki: Blue Squad, is that Anti-aircraft missile launchers down there?
Hris: Defintley not, rebels could never sneak one of those in there.
En-ki: Alright, commence bombardment, oh holy shit, get the hell out of there now, anti-air missiles approaching.
Hris:Get out, Get out!!!!!
Missiles come springing up from the ground and collide with some TIE fighters
En-ki: How many did we lose?
Hris: A good many, lets get our asses out of here, Star Destroyer is under attack up in space, and I'd rather die dogfighting
En-ki: Alright, up we go, Blue Squadron, follow me.

On the ground....
Cerex: Dammit, we cant get a bombardment. Leviathen and Gesro, assemble your team and get as many rocket launchers as possible.
Leviathen: Aye.
10 minutes later, Leviathen and Gesro come with at least 20 commandos armed with rocket laucnhers and napalm.
Cerex: Waucod, take control here. Im going down with my riflemen to get into some dirty fighting down there. When I fire the first shot, fire all rocket launchers at the enemy, got me?
Waucod: Aye sir, good luck.
Cerex: Team, follow me.
Cerex runs down, aims his T-21 Rifle and fires the first shot at an unaware rebel cadet.
Waucod: Fire!!!!!!
20 rockets lauch from the launchers and slowly move towards the regiment of rebels. As they blow up, bodies fly everywhere, and Cerex's team commences fire....

Someone else write!!!!


Post by CerexHendrix » Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:59 pm

somebody post!!!You can add people...but remember to keep it to starsider people....


Post by Darla-Prime » Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:20 am

Meanwhile on a dark and distant world, Darla-Prime secretly puts closure to a deal that will significantly alter the fate of billions.....


Post by CerexHendrix » Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:41 pm

Darla-Prime: My Lord, we will need at least 10, 000 storm commandos. The rebels have taken out the Star Destroyers and the imperials are stranded in Naboo guarding the North shore with their lives.
Darth Sidius: This seems like a grave matter, get the stormtroopers, scouts, and commandos ready. Get AT-STs and AT-ATs ready as well. Lead the troops into battle.
Darla-prime: Aye my lord, I will do so right away............



Post by Darla-Prime » Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:37 pm

lol can i edit this? that's not at all according to my story! hehe i wasn't sure anyone wanted to hear more. i just put that much for kicks
