Welcome to the Executive Lounge!

A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine
Welcome to the Executive Lounge!

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:58 am


This forum is accessible and viewable by only myself and the Executive Council. In other words, standard R.I.D members are unable to view posts within this forum, nor will they see that it exists.

The purpose of this forum is to allow members of the Executive Council to discuss confidential and sensitive issues concerning the stability of our association. You can post chat logs of unruly or suspicious behavior, start polls on certain decisions (such as whether or not a member should be removed from R.I.D), or simply discuss guild issues, especially if I am unavailable for more than a day or two.

Like the other forum sections, there is still a set of rules that you must familiarize yourselves with:

1. Do not allow constructive arguments to devolve into useless flame-fests. With the position that you hold in R.I.D comes both the responsibility and professionalism that is expected of you.

2. When posting pictures of chat logs or other in-game material, feel free to black-out irrelevant or private conversations/information. However, do not doctor pictures if it omits important and relevant conversations or information.

3. Usually I will be the one making polls, but there will come a time when you must take responsibility without me. When making a poll, make sure that it lasts a reasonable amount of time, you give ample notice to all Executive Councilmen and that the polling options are not biased. For example, if you are creating a poll where you are asking for our opinion on a certain member, it would be inappropriate to have the following choices as polling options:

1.) I think the member is a fantastic individual!
2.) I do not think the member is suitable for RID.
3.) The member is a terrible member.

The above is biased because you have two options which speak against the member and one choice which is so overly enthusiastic, that no one would probably vote for it. Essentially, there is no middle-ground. It is also important to not use too many polling options, or it will spread the votes so thin that no agreement can be reached -- such as in the following example:

1.) The individual is an excellent guild member.
2.) The individual is a sufficient guild member.
3.) I am impartial to the guild member.
4.) The individual is a questionable member.
5.) The individual is a detriment to the guild.

A better set of polling choices would be as follows:

1.) The individual is a suitable or exceptional member.
2.) I am impartial to the guild member.
3.) The member is questionable or detrimental to the guild.

Voters can also expand upon their opinion in the voting post, explaining why they voted for a certain choice.

Long Live the Empire!

Lexx Yovel
Leader of R.I.D.
